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sllewgh t1_ir3lgzz wrote

I don't have sympathy for you. This is your business, you own and profit from this lot. This is your job, same as a landlord maintaining the house they rent. We should not allow predatory towing companies free reign in this city for your convenience. Install a gate.


malakamanforyou t1_ir3mr23 wrote

Well I guess you lost in this round didn’t you buddy. Go cry somewhere else. Trespass towing is the same as it was yesterday.


sllewgh t1_ir3ngi7 wrote

... That's what the article is about. You're acting like you've made some kind of great comeback by restating the premise of the discussion. I guess you gave up trying to argue you shouldn't have to manage your own property.


malakamanforyou t1_ir3p0vr wrote

It’s a maintenance problem you dumass. I hire people to keep my lot clear and they do it. It keeps my privately owned lot clear from people that shouldn’t be there. There are signs, large fucking signs, and people will park if towing isn’t enforced. I the owner of the property gave the towers carte blanche to tow any person I don’t want on my property off that property. I GAVE THEM THE AUTHORITY TO TOW ANYONES ASS I DON’T WANT THERE.


sllewgh t1_ir3pgwu wrote

Yeah, I understand perfectly well how it works without you restating it in caps. You're just mad because an attempt was made to make your income a little less passive.


malakamanforyou t1_ir3q773 wrote

I don’t tow. Nor do I profit from towing. I just want my lot clear


gaiusjuliusweezer t1_ir3of0v wrote

Do you pay the towing company anything or is like a bounty system?


malakamanforyou t1_ir3pbdh wrote

No, they collect the tow fees. I make nothing off of it except keep my lot clear.


gaiusjuliusweezer t1_ir3uwg3 wrote

I can see why people get mad, then. Especially versus parking tickets.

But complaining about predatory tow companies is a bit like complaining that there are sharks in the ocean.

Just because they’re out to get you, doesn’t mean you’re not responsible for where you swim