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LongjumpingShot OP t1_ir6lzqa wrote

Thanks for the feedback. I didn’t know phylicia’s constituents services was so bad.


Animanialmanac t1_ir81nek wrote

You’re welcome. I’ve heard the services in Porter’s district depend on whether you’re part of her clique. A commenter from Pigtown mentioned the community association there thinks highly of her, but other Pigtown residents wrote she wasn’t responsive. I heard at the Violetville meetings that her friend has special DPW services cleaning the alley behind their home while the rest of the area is dirty.

My area has abandoned vehicles that have been here since last year, one is partially burned. Two large street trees fell earlier this year, neighbors cut the trunks so they didn’t block the road but the debris is still on the curb months later. Half the houses on my block are now empty, people moved out in the last year, one house has squatters who openly use and sell drugs, dump dirty furniture in the park, and break into the other vacant homes. We can’t get any help from Porter’s office or the police. My 311 requests are closed without anything happening, I’ve never received a response to an email or phone call to her office.


Animanialmanac t1_is2el78 wrote

I’d like to update my ranking if I may. I took the day off to listen to the city council hearing on sewage overflows. Councilman Burnett asked so many good questions, he is really grounded on how the city agencies work and how they allocate money. I move Councilman Burnett to 1+ gold star along with Councilwoman Ramos.

Councilman Torrence was on the panel, he provided a heartfelt story of an elderly person in his area. I was impressed by his compassion and his questions to the agencies. I wasn’t aware of anything from Councilman Torrence before today, after listening to him I believe he may be very good for the future of the city.

Councilwoman McCray is very organized, I’d hire her as an office manager if I still had a busy practice. She kept the meeting timely. This is a valuable service the city needs, more efficiency.

Councilwoman Porter was on the panel, she is my council representative, she is never responsive to my requests, my neighbors’ requests, 311 requests. I heard rumors from people I trust, people I’ve known for years that Councilwoman Porter is only responsive to a small group of her friends in Pigtown and her campaign contributors. She never responded when houses in my neighborhood of Saint Agnes experienced this sewage flooding, 20 houses along three blocks were flooded with sewage, no response to anyone from the council office. I was shocked to hear a resident from Barry Circle speak about how helpful Councilwoman Porter was, even though this resident wasn’t sure if her flooding problem was eligible for the city reimbursement. When I looked up Barry Circle it is part of Pigtown, I’m sad to confirm my thoughts that Councilwoman Porter responds to her friends, neighbors in Pigtown, but not the rest of her district. Our little area got through these sewage flows with help from neighbors and former neighbors. We need someone in council who helps the whole district not just a small group of friends. I think Porter should be ranked below Councilman Torrence.


LongjumpingShot OP t1_is86zf0 wrote

I’m hoping Torrence rebounds and climbs a few notches up the rank. He’s been out the game and is a rookie so there’s still time to develop. Not sure how effective anecdotals and narratives are in session. Mostly baltimore is seen as a city of complainers and that tone falls on deaf ears.

I’m hearing porter is suppose to be introducing some effective bills, I won’t hold my breathe. I think her friends in pigtown will be drafting for her or she’ll continue to co sponsored bills.


Significant_Jump_21 t1_islyeva wrote

Porter is toxic for the communities. EXCEPT maybe Pigtown. She and her friends created a group to take down the community organizations in Violetville. Literally every group doing good in this area is gone. Every time I see a problem and call whatever group USED to handle it I hear the group is done because Porter and her Village of Violetville group trolled them. OR fined them. OR made it too hard to operate. The thrift store for the homeless-closed. Food pantry - closed. Community mediation - moved outside the city. Community defense referrals - gone. Community tool library - gone. I know the same happened in Wilhelm Park. Their entire community association folded. No one wanted to deal with her.

I hope someone ethical runs against her. The damage is already done in a lot of the neighborhoods. BUT a good person could fix it. Maybe.