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MaxipadMassacre t1_iu9cl1i wrote

Please show me where BPD is posting “real-time verified crime data that gets updated hourly.”


agentxstealth OP t1_iu9ctqv wrote

Not using BPD


MaxipadMassacre t1_iu9d1lk wrote

So then where is this data coming from? Lots of us here have trouble trusting BPD reporting in the first place, but if it’s not their data then whose? Pretty sure the only source of crime data for the city would be from police


agentxstealth OP t1_iu9dnkp wrote

From an api that performs web scraping on several datasets across the US. Based on the testing I have done the crimes are extremely recent, from within the last day to the past week, and new ones are inputted each day that can change the recommended route. I don't feel comfortable sharing the exact source as that might give too much info away for competitors.

Also if you don't trust the reporting/data source you can still use the app to see the locations of nearby crimes, and the user is not restricted to take one route, he has a plethora of options to optimize his preferences for both safety and speed.


MaxipadMassacre t1_iu9e2wo wrote

If these are public datasets you should have no problem sharing them and letting potential customers see where exactly you’re pulling data from. Otherwise, they have no reason to trust it. I see you’ve posted in multiple other cities trying to shill this same service. Hopefully, the fact that this post has gotten the most traction in two weeks, and the fact that most here are refuting your claims or want to see the data shows you that your idea, while well intentioned, is not feasible. At least not the way you’re presenting it.


agentxstealth OP t1_iu9epfz wrote

If I share the exact dataset that will literally be a recipe for someone to build a similar app, especially if I do that in a reddit post. If you want, you can email me at and we can chat over email there and I can be more specific. Also every claim that has presented I have refuted, so the app is definitely both well-intentioned and feasible.

You are the only person who has asked to see the actual data source and cannot trust it without knowing that, not "most here."


MaxipadMassacre t1_iu9exid wrote

I disagree whole heartedly and have no interest in keeping this conversation with a brick wall going over email. Your app’s download numbers will reflect the flaws in your concept.


agentxstealth OP t1_iu9ff7p wrote

Any logical reason why you "disagree whole heartedly?" Also if you download the app and click the info icon it explains how the data is being collected. I just don't want to share that on a reddit post is all.