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xlllxJackxlllx t1_itv1vdy wrote

I used to be pretty deep into the Bmore social scene. Club Chuck, Rendezvous, Ottobar, Brewers Art, etc.

I have only ever been to one honest to goodness prohibition era speakeasy. It was on the second floor of a row home in midtown.

It wasn't licensed so you could smoke weed there :)


CurrentParking1308 t1_itvbyf0 wrote

I used to go to one in Pigtown. This was years ago when the ‘vous was still on Howard St. I do remember a cafe-type place that was on a second floor in midtown. If the Christmas lights on the balcony were on, they were open.


xlllxJackxlllx t1_itvii4f wrote

Yeah, Sowebo was about the only thing that brought me down around there.