Submitted by [deleted] t3_xysetd in baltimore

I just moved into a place where i have neighbors next to me who play their music starting around 8pm and goes well into 12-1am. Back in the day i remember music had to be turned off/down by 12am but that was when i was little. Im sick of their bs and the bass is out of this world. What are the laws here for that? I've already sent an email to my rental office.



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Shiny_Deleter t1_iriimg7 wrote

Have you tried having a conversation with your neighbors? Start there.

I’ve dealt with this issue before, and currently have a neighbor who comes home late blasting a speaker right outside my window. I politely asked him to turn it down, and he’s been cool since. Still occasional rolls by in the wee hours, so I rock the earplugs and I get much better sleep.

I’ve had more frustrating situations, but you have to temper your expectations to some extent in a city. I’d still love to see people be considerate of others, but…


[deleted] OP t1_irik69r wrote

I've spoken to them twice. Once the guy was sitting outside smoking and i asked him nicely if he could turn it down. He said there was no music playing in his house when clearly my walls were vibrating then he said sorry he would turn it down. The next convo was with the girl who of course ignored me and had an attitude. I believe she is the one doing it. i said after that i would no longer say anything and just contact the rental office. I also have recordings of how loud the music is coming through the walls


No-Lunch4249 t1_irim6ot wrote

>I would no longer say anything and just contact the rental office

If youre in an apartment complex or something this is absolutely the right next step


sllewgh t1_iritvq0 wrote

You didn't mention that you're renting in the original post. Don't call the city, that's a waste of time. Call the landlord, they have plenty of enforcement power and might do something.


[deleted] OP t1_iriu0ji wrote

Sorry yes I am renting. It’s a townhome and we all have the same rental office/landlord. I’ve sent them an email. They haven’t responded yet but I’m persistent so I’ll keep sending them until something is done


sllewgh t1_irivazr wrote

Be persistent. Email is a good start because you have something in writing. A record is good. Call as well, and write down the date and time when you do to continue that record.


banana_runt t1_irirx24 wrote

I advise against confronting them directly. I had a bad situation on my hands 15 years ago when I approached my neighbors. Just anonymously call the cops.


[deleted] OP t1_iris4f3 wrote

I already did. I rather had confront them first before going to the cops. The cops are a joke here


Jack_Ash_ t1_irinz5w wrote

Noise ordinance enforcement, bwahahahahaha


[deleted] OP t1_irio2dq wrote

These people signed the lease with rules that they agreed to. I’ll just keep reporting and recording until they get evicted


Jack_Ash_ t1_iriojf6 wrote

Sounds good. Evicting people, especially in Baltimore~the look the other way city, is not Impossible. But, it’s like trying to silence the Baltimore wind chimes that ring out daily and nighty taking the lives of humans all too frequently…not likely to happen.


[deleted] OP t1_irisi2q wrote

We will see


Jack_Ash_ t1_iriudft wrote

I wish you luck, just speaking from experience. Others may downvote, but I speak an inconvenient truth.


Illustrious_Listen_6 t1_irio8lx wrote

Whatever happened to respecting neighbors?… So sorry you’re going through that!


[deleted] OP t1_iriskqr wrote

People don’t care anymore. Even people who aren’t dealing with stuff like this have no sympathy and it’s obvious from the comments. Thank you


tastywiings t1_irih6bt wrote

I'd invest in earplugs/a sound machine!


[deleted] OP t1_irihatc wrote

Im looking into a good sound machine but im not wearing earplugs in my own home. I mean there are laws and rules about noise and people should be able to enjoy their homes. Not saying they cant play their music but 11 and 12 at night is not acceptable


NewrytStarcommander t1_iriv4js wrote

If your rental company won't deal with it, get legal advice. A letter from your lawyer to the company might do the trick- violating your right to "peaceful enjoyment" by not enforcing the noise ordinance in your building, or whatever it says in your lease (I have no idea legally- so get advice).

Also, consider your neighborhood association as well- in some neighborhoods the associations get super involved with repeat noise violations.


littleQOTSAlady t1_irkfrls wrote

That sounds terrible. I would keep escalating to your landlord. Put that fuckin rent in escrow if you need to. I lived in one complex where I could hear every foot step and even conversations above me. It was miserable.


[deleted] OP t1_irkfws7 wrote

Definitely will. I sent an email on Thursday and no response so they will see me early Monday morning with another complaint. The music just started and I’m sure it won’t stop any time soon because it’s Saturday and they are assholes


T_Anon_ t1_irmiesl wrote

I just dealt with this. The steps I took were to repeatedly call 911 so that there’s a paper trail. When that didn’t work I got my council member involved. The landlord got cited for quite a few infractions and eventually evicted the tenants. Admittedly my situation was a bit more complicated because it involved other nuisance issues (trash, unsupervised minors, non registered rental, over occupancy).


blkkang410ho t1_irigysm wrote

Just move


[deleted] OP t1_irih2bp wrote

Thats not an option. I've only been there a month and do you know how expensive moving is? Crazy how people see this an the solution


blkkang410ho t1_irih7g5 wrote

If you want that type of privacy, get a single family home…townhouses and apartments come with this type of shit…get off my lawn doesn’t work in Baltimore


[deleted] OP t1_irihehj wrote

Sir/maam if i had that type of money clearly i wouldnt choose to live next to asshole people in Baltimore. I could move and it could actually be the same situation. People here dont give a damn and its obvious


smegma4breakfast t1_irinwl6 wrote

Don't pay that dweeb any mind. We all deal with some frustrations of urban living, especially in Baltimore. But asking our neighbors for a little consideration isn't out of line at all. Respecting one another and establishing healthy boundaries is a part of being in a community.