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TonyDanza888 t1_irn356t wrote

Don't talk trash to opposing fans if the Ravens have a big lead in the 1st half.


dopkick t1_irmnixw wrote

Wear some layers so you can adjust to the temperature.


Ali1558Cat t1_irmpulh wrote

Before you get to the stadium, make sure you can access the actual tickets from your phone. I've been with friends who only could pull up the Groupon or email from StubHub that showed the purchase.

Anything short of a barcode will slow you down at the gate. Screenshot if a ticket won't work either.

Have a blast!


Guerrillaz t1_irnejx9 wrote

Also make sure you have it up because depending on your carrier, service can be bad at the stadium because there are so many people in the area.


BmoreBr0 t1_irrktzs wrote

I was there last night and had excellent Wi-Fi throughout the entire game, which is pretty impressive given how many people were there. I guess they really want people to be able to smash hat upload button in IG.


No-Lunch4249 t1_irnbo48 wrote

Strongly agreed, just add it to your phones virtual wallet if possible


NearsightdWatchmaker t1_irpie83 wrote

Screenshot. That. Shit. Every time. Screenshot your ticket. An image beats potential lack of service every day of the week.


trigatch4 t1_irmyloz wrote

Check out Ravens Walk and see the Ray Lewis and Johnny Unitas statues on the way in.

Scream "O" at the appropriate part of the national anthem.


jax7786 t1_irn1789 wrote

Check the bag policy. Clear bags of a certain size are all that are allowed.


Jenfer1322 t1_iro8p2m wrote

Small, not clear clutch bags/wallets are also allowed.


msleepd t1_irnhddl wrote

Don’t park in zoned spots unless you have a pass. Parking enforcement is going all out this year. If a spot seems too good to be true then it’s not a real spot.


thriller24 t1_irne872 wrote

Don’t park in residential parking areas. Don’t play cornhole in the middle of a public street. Don’t walk out into the crosswalk without looking. Just don’t be a county person.


BrianShupe t1_irnqi6j wrote

When screaming in your seat, if you must, tilt your head up so you aren’t screaming directly into the ears of the person in front of you.


YoOmarComingMan t1_irnyfx2 wrote

Drinking or not, watch your step. Those steps are steep af.


tommykaye t1_iroywny wrote

If you order any pit beef, get some sauce on the side, because they always over cook it and it’s too dry.


TheGoldenScorpion69 t1_iro2nlv wrote

People will be up and down all game. If everyone is sitting down you should sit down also.

If you are standing up when everyone is sitting down you are blocking a lot of people's view.


AdmralSnackbar t1_irnjlhd wrote

Don’t be a jerk! (If you know you know, you’ll know after the start of the game)


Kelvin62 t1_irodr8l wrote

Don't take small children or anyone you need to protect from foul language.


GoGoRouterRangers t1_irn80fx wrote

Go to Pitts Beef before the game for some good grub


CliffRed20 t1_irnrsnq wrote

Where's that? Can't find it when I searched.


dcfb2360 t1_irp919r wrote

  • try not to make a bunch of trips out of your seat. The aisles are super narrow and it’s hard to walk down the row. Also v annoying to have to keep getting up cuz the dick next to you insists on gorging on his 13th hot dog

  • if someone in your row is getting up, you have to actually get up to let them by. Your knees block the aisle if you don’t get up. Yes it’s annoying but it’s part of going to a game. Was at the bills game and the kids next to me weren’t getting up (fuck yall) but shoutout to their mom for telling them off for it

  • don’t bring an umbrella they won’t let you in with it anyway

  • do NOT wait till the last second to head over. The stadium will be packed and it takes a while to go through check in plus it takes a while to walk to your seats. You’re gonna miss a lot of the game if you wait till 30 mins before the game to head over. Even in bad weather it’s gonna be packed

  • you need your ticket pulled up already when you’re in line- they scan the app so screenshots prob won’t work

  • ask stadium employees for help, they’re usually great and can get stuff sorted quickly. They’re there to help

  • be super careful when walking down the seat aisles, Fr they’re super narrow so if you’re planning on making 1 giant trip with a bunch of food/drinks you WILL end up spilling stuff on people and that causes fights. Honestly it’s better to pregame before the game and just get smaller food during the game, saves trips and money and the rest of the row will appreciate you not getting up constantly


Good200000 t1_iroh7p8 wrote

Don’t spill the cheese sauce on your neighbor


dcfb2360 t1_irp9cfh wrote

If you’re Uber/lyfting home after the game it’s not a bad idea to book it ahead of time instead of waiting right after the game ends- the apps often crash cuz of how many people are doing the same thing


coredenale t1_irn03xw wrote

Wear a Steelers jersey.
