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wbruce098 t1_ityzdcd wrote

People also don’t use the light rail because it’s nowhere near extensive enough. cries in red lines

I’d love to see more rail. Sincerely, East Bmore


ohamza t1_iu03kug wrote

lol West Baltimore too. The light rail is out of the way for me and doesn't really take me to any destinations I need to go. I'd love a line that could take me east...


Xanny t1_iu7k66h wrote

Funny thing is I'm in Hampden and near John Hopkins all the time but geniuses put the light rail under an interstate next to nothing. The only reasonable time I'd take it would be to go to Penn Station, but transit apps have me take a bus 90% of the time because the light rail is so infrequent its never there.