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TheBananaStan t1_irnpa1w wrote

I hate the stop light in front of it


Ok_Ad8609 t1_iro361c wrote

I’ve found that drivers in Baltimore seem to hate any semblance of stop lights.


bad_with_stress t1_iro6qfz wrote

Not as much as they hate other drivers, bicyclists, or pedestrians. Oh, and any public transit.


Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_iroth6k wrote

Yea, I’ve long thought there’d be no issues with the roads if I were the only one allowed to use them.


sbpo492 t1_irohqnv wrote

My biggest frustration with Baltimore traffic lights is that they all seem to be out of sync. It feels like more often than not if I am going somewhere I will hit every light.


Ok_Ad8609 t1_irop4lc wrote

Okay, I get that. The timings can be frustrating, especially in certain interactions/areas if you are driving a car. But I walk to places as much as possible instead of driving, and the POV as a pedestrian is honestly scary 😬😂 People drive through red lights way more than any place I can think of (I've lived in a few different cities in the US). I can see how the shitty timings could encourage bad behavior, but I still take issue with people who blatantly ignore traffic laws that are in place for the safety of everyone.


sbpo492 t1_iroscq5 wrote

Oh 100% and by no means to say cars need to take priority over pedestrian safety and definitely concur with my experiences of folks disregarding very red lights and still going.


Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_irotmj4 wrote

This is just the result of people learning traffic laws aren’t enforced. Take that as you will.


S-Kunst t1_irow41a wrote

The lights are out of sync. One day, during the Covid lock-down, I did a test on MLK Blvd. I timed the lights and how many greens or red lights going north and south, then drove the side streets, which intersect MLK. No one gets a break. The really odd one is Washington BLVD. The green light if you are heading west is only a few seconds, while the green light if you are heading east is about 30 seconds. I also noticed that there are times when all directions are red. Then I realized that it was due to the light timers not being reset when a special left turn light was removed. This ghost light phenomenon is regular on Howard St from 395, to Central Ave.