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MailmanOdd t1_irn8nth wrote

I don’t live in Baltimore anymore but completely agree. This place is overrated as hell. That said, I had a few company dinner parties there and it was totally fine when it wasn’t on my dime. Nice ambiance, meh food.


jabbadarth t1_irni3ic wrote

Certainly don't hate it but also don't think it's worth going once you've been. It has a cool atmosphere, if not a little dated, and the food is fine.


OneThree_FiveZero t1_irni875 wrote

I think a better question is does anyone really like the Rusty Scupper? It's one of those so-so restaurants that gets by on its great location.


Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_irnkxis wrote

I don’t get how you’d “hate” it. The food is overpriced but the location is unbeatable. If it’s not your thing don’t keep going back?


TheBananaStan t1_irnpa1w wrote

I hate the stop light in front of it


CaptainJeff t1_irnxn3t wrote

Not at all.

The location, and view over the Harbor, is outstanding.

The food is good. Not outstanding, not excellent, but it is good. It is overpriced, but you're paying for the food plus the service plus the view, etc.

I will say that my wife and I had a pretty awful experience there once (Valentine's Day, they were understaffed and we had a busboy as our server who was trying hard but just failed at everything) but when I called the next day, the manager absolutely made it right. I very much admire that ... admit when you messed up and make it right, and they did.


No-Lunch4249 t1_iro06mf wrote

My parents met there I gotta respect it


karakul t1_iro7s7x wrote

In my experience most of the famous restaurants in the city are mediocre. It's like there's a price point you have to break through to get back to getting what you pay for.


75footubi t1_irobv8n wrote

It's the spot I recommend for out of state people I know who wouldn't be comfortable with something more authentic (ie better than Phillips).


thats_hella_cool t1_iroefh8 wrote

It’s a classic tourist trap, at least IMHO. I’ve only ever gone as either part of a work event or at the request of visiting family or friends. It’s way overpriced and while the food is usually good, it’s not anything spectacular, and the quality is not very consistent.


Dolceluce t1_irof820 wrote

We got married there (albeit over 10 years ago) and even a couple of years later people would still comment on how much they loved the location and the food. There definitely is better food in the city but it’s still a nice place to go. Doesn’t look like it’s been updated esthetically in the last 20 years —so I would say it’s def time for refresh of the inside.


sbpo492 t1_irohqnv wrote

My biggest frustration with Baltimore traffic lights is that they all seem to be out of sync. It feels like more often than not if I am going somewhere I will hit every light.


[deleted] t1_iroju67 wrote

It’s an ok place if you get there without a hassle with the squeegee ppl. at every red light.😡


munchnerk t1_irol5sd wrote

I find it’s generally a mediocre seafood-ish restaurant for suburbanites and other visitors. My in-laws loved it until we showed them the Black Olive, which opened them to the concept that Baltimore is more than the harbor (and showed them better seafood), and now they dine at many actually good restaurants. My main beef with Rusty is that their “Smith Island cake” had just FIVE layers, each about an inch thick. THAT IS NOT SMITH ISLAND CAKE 😤


AreWeCowabunga t1_irole52 wrote

It would never even occur to me to go there. Everything about it screams mediocre tourist trap.


pandacorn t1_irolv7a wrote

I feel like it represents a different time in baltimore. There are so many better food options now. The harbor doesn't represent the rest of the city very well, at least in regards to food. But you could say this about most city tourist areas.


Ok_Ad8609 t1_irop4lc wrote

Okay, I get that. The timings can be frustrating, especially in certain interactions/areas if you are driving a car. But I walk to places as much as possible instead of driving, and the POV as a pedestrian is honestly scary 😬😂 People drive through red lights way more than any place I can think of (I've lived in a few different cities in the US). I can see how the shitty timings could encourage bad behavior, but I still take issue with people who blatantly ignore traffic laws that are in place for the safety of everyone.


sbpo492 t1_iroscq5 wrote

Oh 100% and by no means to say cars need to take priority over pedestrian safety and definitely concur with my experiences of folks disregarding very red lights and still going.


Bonethug609 t1_irotms2 wrote

It’s fine. Good location. Nice view. I don’t mind it. Don’t go unless requested by somebody else in my party though.


Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_irou783 wrote

Where are you coming from that you encounter squeegee boys on the way to Scupper? Since that shooting they installed a permanent officer at the Conway-Light intersection and since then I can’t think of a route into Baltimore to the Scupper that passes a single squeegee intersection.

You should come back to the city, it’s not so bad. Or at least consider not badmouthing it on every random restaurant post, I mean come on, this isn’t even related.


Nolubrication t1_irou9dj wrote

I've only ever been there for Sunday brunch. As far as brunch buffet goes, it's not bad.


S-Kunst t1_iroumae wrote

My first visit was in the early 80s, felt it was at best a tourist trap. 2nd time 20 yrs ago, as part of "Restaurant Week" Felt the same way. So no need to return.


S-Kunst t1_irov643 wrote

I feel McCormick & Schmick is the same as Rusty Scupper, but with an out side dining area.

If you say you are not buying alcoholic drinks, at M&S, the wait staff may abandon you.


S-Kunst t1_irow41a wrote

The lights are out of sync. One day, during the Covid lock-down, I did a test on MLK Blvd. I timed the lights and how many greens or red lights going north and south, then drove the side streets, which intersect MLK. No one gets a break. The really odd one is Washington BLVD. The green light if you are heading west is only a few seconds, while the green light if you are heading east is about 30 seconds. I also noticed that there are times when all directions are red. Then I realized that it was due to the light timers not being reset when a special left turn light was removed. This ghost light phenomenon is regular on Howard St from 395, to Central Ave.


Camelbreath18 t1_iroy8fe wrote

I have not been since the late seventies


Charming_Wulf t1_irp89og wrote

Multiple people described it to me as "Where business or product rep would take you for an expensed meal on the corporate account".


Broad-Brush t1_irpddql wrote

Spot on! It is the last vestige of the 1980s Inner Harbor before nationwide chains and tourist traps. Always been inconsistent as hell food wise but its a hard view to beat.


TatumLaBianca t1_irpeu2k wrote

The Crumby Supper is fine if you’re one of those people who just eats because it’s required to continue living.


40acresandapool t1_irpffli wrote

" Hate" seems a strong sentiment for a restaurant. If someone broke a window there, would it be a Hate crime?gif


EntireAd9048 t1_irpixb5 wrote

While the food is expensive, you're paying for the location/views.

That being said, if you're going to go there, at least go when you can actually enjoy the view, as opposed to super-busy nights when you won't get the window tables.


EntireAd9048 t1_irpk0mb wrote

I agree -- I'd also add that the local population is not the target demo for Rusty Scupper. It's clearly aimed at special occasions, travelers who don't want to eat at the hotel, and tourists/visitors.

The people pointing out "I can get better seafood at ten other places in Baltimore" are missing the point.


EntireAd9048 t1_irpkgvf wrote

If you're coming from the east side of Baltimore, aren't there still squeegee corners up and down President Street and probably Baltimore St/Lombard/Pratt as well?

I haven't been recently, but President Street did use to be a pain with aggressive ones.


shampayne19 t1_irqzprz wrote

Yeah it is overrated and the food tastes like shit.


Broad-Brush t1_irr63ox wrote

I thought about this last night and became curious about who actually owns the place. Turns out it was part of a small chain at one point (Baltimore is the last remaining location) and its owned by a group out of Cleveland.


Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_irtzuav wrote

So President Street is still the worst for squeegee boys, but that's if you're coming south off 83. If you're driving east-west you're fine, you'll be on either Fayette or Pratt when you cross President and they (generally) don't get you on those intersections.