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wbruce098 t1_isvphby wrote

This has long been my stance on term limits. It sounds good at first, but these limits really only serve those who benefit from a rotating cadre of inexperienced folks in office. This generally benefits those who can afford lobbyists or can fund their own candidates with special interest agendas (usually corporate).

I can’t think of many good reasons term limits support and can actually inhibit the democratic process; if we want an incompetent asshole out of office, we need to do a grassroots movement to get them voted out and ensure someone better is elected. I just don’t see a particularly strong benefit to such a rule.

Edit: it’s not a hill I’ll die on, and our world won’t end. I just see it as generally a negative outcome for regular folks and those, as you’ve said, with the experience to really competently do their job. Competent governance benefits the regular guy but can disadvantage corporations and that’s a good thing.