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politics_user t1_itwf0i2 wrote

My agents inspector sucked. Said roof was in great shape—a few leaks and a total roof replacement was needed 6 months later. Missed some basic electrical issues. Missed some basic window flashing issues. Missed an essentially broke sump pump/fucked sump pit issue.


maofx t1_itwgmzk wrote

That sucks- My agents inspector was great, but I also looked up reviews prior to booking and saw that he was pretty reputable... kinda hit and miss, I guess.

there is no guarantee that an independently chosen inspector will catch everything as well...


politics_user t1_itwjvue wrote

Yeah. It’s my fault. If I wanted, I could have gotten an actual roofer out there or could have picked a better reviewer inspector. It’s funny the stupid small stuff he found but how he whiffed on some of the bigger stuff.