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Jack_Ash_ t1_itldzid wrote

Didn’t a kid get crushed/dragged by a BCFD fire truck near Payson and Pratt last October riding an illegally operated dirt bike? The kid was riding to see the family of a kid who had also died on a dirt bike.

Good to see a Dad stepping up though. This city could use more involved and actively participating Dads.


firecartier OP t1_itlezkq wrote

thats one thing i do appreciate, and im glad you expressed it more diligently than others in the sub, but they watched out for cars and paused riding,

there is a little dirt path that extends for about 2 blocks, they rode on that, safer landing, no cars


Jack_Ash_ t1_itlfmu5 wrote

Yeah, I’m not a complete NIMBY, just tired of seeing the city’s kids dying and suffering life altering injuries. We can do better. Glad to hear the pair are having fun, learning some rider safety, and enjoying a bond rather than suffering the worse effects of parental neglect and the dangerous aspects of idle time in a dangerous city.


OneThree_FiveZero t1_itpp3dx wrote

> I’m not a complete NIMBY

Not wanting people to illegally ride dirtbikes on streets doesn't make people NIMBYs.


Jack_Ash_ t1_itppzd3 wrote

I’m good with my application and use of NIMBY in this context, I’m pretty sure most people got my point.