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buuj214 t1_iu4p6n7 wrote

Wait what?? Alice? Damn, I would not have guessed that based on my interactions with her. That sucks


Aphile t1_iu4ro1p wrote

Maybe you're "one of them" too, then...


buuj214 t1_iu4yd09 wrote

Oh shit maybe you’re right, maybe I am unknowingly anti-vax and a MAGA… you know except for the vaccines and voting for Biden lol.


Aphile t1_iu50f8u wrote

But you couldn't see through the veiled racism of Aliki? WEIRD

It was her first or second Canton Neighbors post, where I screenshotted and sent to all my friends, and it was very clear who was batshit insane.


buuj214 t1_iu59k4g wrote

Idk dude obviously I didn’t see that. We had regular pleasant interactions years ago at Mahaffeys. My experience with most MAGA people is that they advertise it. I was surprised and disappointed to hear all this. That is all.


Aphile t1_iu5aurh wrote

Sounds like you're white, been around this shit your whole life, and don't know how to identify it apart from "pleasant interactions".

Of course she was pleasant to you. But did you listen to her opinion on anyone else? I feel like I learned the lesson that bigots are often "pleasant" to people who look like them, in uh, Middle School.


Few_Construction_654 t1_iu5mf6a wrote

Yikes, chill out. Not everyone’s experience around another person is going to be the same, and not everyone pays attention. Also, it’s a bar, where people drink, and don’t always comprehend who they are talking to 🙄 and agreed with @velveteen311, you have some issues to work through.


TeachGullible t1_iu5qhw5 wrote

So it's the commenter's fault for being white? Go to therapy.


moonythejedi394 t1_iu6fm0y wrote

you had really good points im sorry you got downvoted


justin774 t1_iu8hs5s wrote

I hope this is satire, else, you should also seek therapy and try to form an original thought.