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gorilla_biscuit t1_isiv4xo wrote

As someone new to the city, could you tell me some that aren't common sense (like walking alone at night with jewelry showing and headphones on down a street of abandoned row houses)


djschue t1_isiwbie wrote

Years ago I was walking around with headphones. A friend saw me walking, and called out. When I didn't answer, she came from behind, then was in my face. She was in hysterics because she got me so good!

That was the very last time I ever restricted my hearing. I always leave one ear free and clear so I can hear, and I do this everywhere, including home.

Just an idea- you can't be careful and vigilant if you can't hear. Stay safe


acurrell t1_isjg0dt wrote

Happened to me on the light rail, someone I knew, luckily. Taught me a lesson.


eyesabovewater t1_isiwj98 wrote

Watch out for eye contact in an area you don't belong. Generally means you are going to get robbed.


[deleted] t1_isjg4sb wrote



ohamza t1_isjnv7w wrote

That's what I do as well, sometimes with a friendly head nod. It can be taken as me acknowledging their presence and the fact that I'm alert - even if I want to believe I won't get mugged by being pleasant!


dopkick t1_isjritm wrote

There’s a big difference between quick eye contact affirming recognition of the other parties and sizing someone up for robbery. You may make eye contact with them but it’s brief and you move on and don’t remember the person. People sizing someone up stay fixated on the target.


SpraynardKrueg t1_isjkh2c wrote

Don't wear headphones, look aware of your surroundings. Don't wear backpacks or bags or anything that looks like an easy snatch at night in rough areas. Always look like you're sober and aware of your surroundings. Don't appear drunk.

They look for easy targets, don't make yourself an easy target


fijimermaidsg t1_iskqiug wrote

Don't walk down any street, could be Inner Harbor or anywhere with headphones in Baltimore... sit in the first train car, right behind the driver when on the Light Rail or subway.


Bittypillar t1_isiwped wrote

What part of the city, if you don’t mind me asking?


fijimermaidsg t1_iskqsvp wrote

These days, it doesn't matter anymore. Could be anywhere, anytime, even with cops patrolling.


gaytee t1_iskap8o wrote

Pay for an Uber or get a bike til you know which blocks you shouldn’t walk down.