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Velghast t1_isjgztl wrote

I know both these laundry mats. As soon as you said edmonson ave I was like "welp his fate is sealed." There's a Chinese food place over there. I went to go pick up my food and got hastled by some kids in the front trying to take my food. After one hit me in the back of the head and grabbed at my bag I swung. Pretty sure I broke the kids nose because all 3 ran off. Not sure what they wanted from me but I'm sure it wasn't worth all that. That shopping center isn't fun at night.


HALabunga OP t1_isjrnlo wrote

Yeah those guys didn't know how to fight at all. If I didn't have to have one hand on my bike at all times I would have been laying dudes down. I was able to duck and dodge most the punches though.


AreWeCowabunga t1_isk740w wrote

Sad to say there are a lot of areas in the city you just shouldn’t go, ever. This laundromat is in one of those areas.


Mindfulhydration t1_isl1q4s wrote

I've been to that shopping center exactly twice...and that was one time too many.