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4look4rd t1_iskammd wrote

Man whenever I think about moving to Baltimore from DC I see posts like these. I’m no stranger to urban violance, I am from São Paulo after all. But the one thing I love about living in the US is that I can walk from place to place without fear of being mugged or assaulted. I can’t go back to that type of life.


Mindfulhydration t1_isl0cln wrote

I lived in SouthWest Baltimore for over a decade and most I experienced with property crime (mainly car break in but one time a yard break in and a ladder stolen), and a bad neighbor who acted like proper trash disposal was some unsolvable discrete math equation. However, it does get dicey street by street here, and most of Edmonson village is NOT somewhere to bike and chill. But let's not malign all of West Baltimore. I got into an accident in that part of town once. My car completely flipped over and a group of "grimey" dudes who I would probably have been scared to roll my car window down to speak at that time had to pull me from my car before it caught on fire. They waited with me and gave me a compress for my bleeding head until the ambulance came. One guy was maybe just 14 and he said, "when that car hit you, I was shook!" I still smile about that. That incident really took the wind out of my baltimore hate sails when it came to the people of Baltimore. It's a lot of good people here despite the ones involved in shenanigans...and you can't always tell by what people look like. Really sorry OP ran into the rough crowd.


smacks23 t1_isljsoo wrote

Stick to DC if you are In NW. otherwise it might not be that big of a difference if you stay in a safe area of Baltimore. It’s sad but Baltimore seems to be on a constant bad streak. And dc has been to since 2010 but it’s much better than Baltimore