Submitted by HALabunga t3_y56r0c in baltimore

So I usually go to Sudsville laundromat towards Catonsville, but a Google search showed me there was a laundromat only maybe 9 blocks from me, Princess Coin Laundry, off Edmondson Avenue. At 7 PM, I load my bicycle saddlebags full of dirty laundry, and put the rest in my 38 liter North Face interior frame hiking backpack. I also had a couple other things in there, but I'll get to that later. So I get to the laundromat, and I noticed there about six young guys standing out front not doing much of anything. I don't think anything of it, lock up my bike and go inside to start the laundry.

I get my first load in, turn around and there are two of the guys who were out front, all in my personal space. They tell me I need to leave. I see their friends are watching them and I know I'm not going to win this one, so I say I'll leave as soon as this load is done. They say "No, you need to leave now." That's when one of them shoved me and the other guy punched me, or tried to anyway. I look to the guy working, but he just goes into his little safety bubble. So I say okay, I'll leave. I walk out without my stuff and go to unlock my bike and they say "Nah, you need to leave that.' I have a Diamondback Haanjo 3 gravel bike, it's not a cheap bike. I ignore them, unlock the bike ,and that's when they all started chasing me. One would pull on the bike, while the other would try to get behind me and punch me. They landed quite a few shots. But I finally got away. At that point I was finally able to get on my phone and call 911. Half the guys bail (not before calling me a bitch for calling the police, cause they're real brave going 6 on 1.) I ran across the street and I see a clerk standing in the doorway of a store watching everything. I try to run inside he shoves me, and when I try to run in again he actually punches me, and says "don't bring that shit in here." I couldn't believe it.

At this point the guys start laughing, thinking they're going to get their prize, my bike, and start tagging me up pretty bad. At that point I had no choice I had to let go of the bike. I ran back across the street, and that's when the first cop shows up, and the thieves disappear like the vapors. A bunch of cops came, they calmed me down and I actually got my bike back. Those assholes had to leave so quick they didn't get my bike. The police asked me if I need medical attention, and I tell them I'll be all right, although I'm pretty sore right now, but I'll live. They watch my bike while I walked back down to the laundromat to get my belongs, and now there are about a dozen guys out front, all calling me names and mean mugging me.

I had to go get one of the police officers to walk with me to the laundromat. I knew the guys who assaulted me were in the crowd but I couldn't identify them, everything happened so fast. I go in to get my laundry, somehow the machine stopped, so I just had soggy clothes. I load them into my saddlebag, and ask for my money back from the clerk (I'm 90 percent sure he was the owner.) He was really rude to me, and told me it wasn't his fault that my clothes weren't washed, and refused to give me my money back. He acted like it was my fault that I got robbed and assaulted in his store . I couldn't believe it. I knew I wasn't going to get my money back so I just left, with my saddlebags full of dirty soggy clothes.

The police told me this is a very dangerous area, and it would be wise of me to avoid it in the future. So they cleared out and I biked to to where I usually do my laundry, Sudsville. When I got there I realized my North Face backpack was missing, along with a good bit of my clothes, my sleeping bag,, my mess kit (a mini pot and pan kit for camping), a little case with all my phone chargers and Battery Bank, as well as my last $20. I am newly homeless, so that was a quite a loss. I had some quarters in my pocket so I could dry my soggy clothes, until I figure something else out.

Now I'm up shit creek without a paddle. Well, it's not that bad, but I really do need a sleeping bag. I start a new job on Monday, so it won't be too long before I can replace my belongings, and get a room to rent somewhere. In the meantime,I don't like asking for stuff, but does anyone have an old sleeping bag? I'm willing to work for it, I'm really handy, I can fix just about anything. If anyone has any old pots and pans, something really small, that'd be great too. I have a pocket sized propane stove I use to cook with, but now I have no cookware. This (reddit) community is great, I really do appreciate you guys. Stay safe out there guys, keep your head on a swivel. I know I will!



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Animanialmanac t1_isi3qic wrote

I’m so sorry that happened to you. I don’t have an extra sleeping bag but one of the churches near that area may have supplies for you. That is a very bad area, a former pt patient of mine was mugged and beaten in the lot of that same laundromat last year. Police witnessed the incident and didn’t intervene or assist him afterwards, he was beaten so severely he needed back surgeries, and will never be the same even with intensive rehab.

I wish you well finding a new place to call home and supplies to get you through.


SerialAcer t1_isi58zn wrote

i mean it kind of is your fault you got robbed. doesn't make it right but you have some culpability in this. going to that neighborhood with thousands and thousands of dollars of stuff with you. respect your enviroment or it will fuck you up.


HALabunga OP t1_isi61j2 wrote

Did you see what she was wearing? She was practically begging for it.

Im familar with the streets, and how to move in them But I didn't know it was the hood until I got there. And how was I supposed to know they'd come into a place of business to rob me?


Cosmic_SpaceFox t1_isi6rqr wrote

I'm really sorry to hear this happened to you. I wish there was a way to tell people the unspoken rules of the city but there are so many it feels impossible to name them all. Especially cause a lot of them are regional. It's really gross that that kinda behavior persists and people seem to encourage it. Sorry it's been a rough night. If I had my old pots ND pans I'd totally help you out but alas I don't. If I find someone with items that you can use I'll dm you!


Balmerhippie t1_isibynh wrote

Sorry that happened buddy. Keep at it and you'll get back on your feet.


MontisQ t1_isick4u wrote

Man, this really broke my heart. It really sucks and you didn’t deserve that. Are you on the “buy nothing” Facebook group? People will post their unneeded pots and pans there a lot. You could also request it on the page. Stay safe!


mscogsworthy t1_isifyzm wrote

I will check and see if I still have my spare sleeping bag. If I do, and you can get to Loyola area on Monday, it's yours.


Ill-Consideration974 t1_isig8m4 wrote

There’s great people in this city but there’s a good share of scum too. I’m sorry you discovered that the hard way. It’s always important to know the area you’re in. Even in the “good” neighborhoods, there’s always spillover bullshit that seeps over from other neighborhoods. I wish you a speedy recovery and hope for better luck in the future for ya.

FYI, almost none of West Baltimore inside of the actual city’s lines is considered “safe” if you look at crime stats. Stay out in the suburbs or relocate to safer neighborhoods if you’re going to chance being homeless in the city.


Agile_Disk_5059 t1_isikig6 wrote

From your post history it looks like you had a nice place to live and an adorable doggo a few years ago.

I'm just curious what happened that you're homeless now.


Aj_lilroc t1_isimqt9 wrote

I know that area stay safe my guy


Jack_Ash_ t1_isipil4 wrote

Baltimore Baltimore Baltimore , our lovely lovely Baltimore , why do you treat us so? From North to South, from East to West, you could just show all what is best, though every chance you show what’s least.


djschue t1_isiwbie wrote

Years ago I was walking around with headphones. A friend saw me walking, and called out. When I didn't answer, she came from behind, then was in my face. She was in hysterics because she got me so good!

That was the very last time I ever restricted my hearing. I always leave one ear free and clear so I can hear, and I do this everywhere, including home.

Just an idea- you can't be careful and vigilant if you can't hear. Stay safe


jasmc5000 t1_isiwhy5 wrote

I stopped reading at Edmonson Ave. I saw where this was heading from there.


YourFixJustRuinsIt t1_isj54c5 wrote

I’m heading out of the country and getting rid of most of the things you just lost. I’ll dm you.


RoninX40 t1_isj6zza wrote

Welcome to Baltimore


Ghant_ t1_isj8wys wrote

I have a nice sleeping bag. It doesn't fold up very small but it's warm and would be nice for the colder months ahead.

dm me if you want it. I'm over by Patterson park


UnaVidaMas t1_isjcwfp wrote

Sorry this happened to you. West side of town is no place to just wander alone and expect to be left alone. Especially after it starts to get dark out. A lot of weird activity goes on and you need to keep attentive to surroundings. Hope you stay safe.


Appropriate-Lab-5015 t1_isjcy6z wrote

When yt ppl read this Reddit long enough, it could be giving an inaccurate message about the realities of the vast majority of the city. There's an awful lot of ppl on here who effectively only spend time in the L.


awaybaltimore410 t1_isjfxfk wrote

That's not an area you want to go to with a nice bike. It's West side and drug crews run it. IDK why go there unless you need to cop something. Shit is dangerous as fuck there if you look like an easy target. I used to roll near Franklintown Rd by the warehouses. Just stay the fuck away and go to a nice laundromat and watch your back man. Baltimore ain't no joke.

Sorry it happened but you learned something.


Velghast t1_isjgztl wrote

I know both these laundry mats. As soon as you said edmonson ave I was like "welp his fate is sealed." There's a Chinese food place over there. I went to go pick up my food and got hastled by some kids in the front trying to take my food. After one hit me in the back of the head and grabbed at my bag I swung. Pretty sure I broke the kids nose because all 3 ran off. Not sure what they wanted from me but I'm sure it wasn't worth all that. That shopping center isn't fun at night.


markio t1_isjh9j4 wrote

A lot of white people don't quite know the horror of living in a place like Baltimore. The context that's missing is that Baltimore has been conquered. There's a reason nobody goes there and everything becomes defacto segregated. How have you not ran into this before?


Moonagi t1_isji9n6 wrote

There are definitely white people that know Baltimore is not worth it lol. OP probably knows somewhat but he probably doesn't know the city like the back of his hand


SpraynardKrueg t1_isjkh2c wrote

Don't wear headphones, look aware of your surroundings. Don't wear backpacks or bags or anything that looks like an easy snatch at night in rough areas. Always look like you're sober and aware of your surroundings. Don't appear drunk.

They look for easy targets, don't make yourself an easy target


iftair t1_isjlaoc wrote

I learned my lesson. I went to SoWeBo to pick up an Amazon order. I saw deli groceries having locked entrances - had to ring the bell to enter & exit. And when I picked up my order, the worker asked if I needed him to walk me to my car. When I told him that I don't have a car, he then said "I ain't walking you to the bus stop; just be careful".


rollin_in_doodoo t1_isjlfvn wrote

This isn't your fault and no one should have to live like this, but don't go around Baltimore thinking you're familiar with the streets and you know how to "move in them." As evidenced by being white and riding your fancyass gravel bike laden with valuables into Franklintown at night to do laundry, you still have a lot to learn and it was pretty privileged/naive to think otherwise. That clever rape analogy scores points online but wont keep you safe. Any resident of Franklintown or in that general area would tell you that you made a comically bad decision. You don't need a bunch of sympathy from strangers on here if you're recently homeless - you need to wise the fuck up.


ardhanarisvara t1_isjnf96 wrote

I see you've got some other offers of material aid in this thread, but if something from your kit is still missing reach out. I'm fall cleaning and down to help you out.


ohamza t1_isjnv7w wrote

That's what I do as well, sometimes with a friendly head nod. It can be taken as me acknowledging their presence and the fact that I'm alert - even if I want to believe I won't get mugged by being pleasant!


flagship5 t1_isjo5rm wrote

The fact that you looked up this place on the map and didn't immediately nix the suggestion means this community failed you. That is smack dab in The Wire zone of west Baltimore, dude.


HALabunga OP t1_isjopzk wrote

Point taken. I literally didn't know where I was at, I just entered laundromat into my phone. Not very streetsmart of me! And I know being clever ain't gonna save me. I was just tired of dealing with assholes when when wrote that.


blackCoffeeinBED22 t1_isjq2s7 wrote

So sorry to hear this! Chin up, those items WILL be replaced and good things will come your way! Be blessed 💗


iftair t1_isjqq1v wrote

Economy Mart at W Baltimore St. I took the Navy from Patterson Park and got off at Carey & Baltimore and walked 5 mins.

Luckily it was daytime.


mickirishname t1_isjqucs wrote

Didn’t read all the comments, so you may be covered by now, but I have a ton of pots pans my wife and I have been meaning to donate for awhile. May also have some other stuff you need. Dm me for more info.


dopkick t1_isjritm wrote

There’s a big difference between quick eye contact affirming recognition of the other parties and sizing someone up for robbery. You may make eye contact with them but it’s brief and you move on and don’t remember the person. People sizing someone up stay fixated on the target.


HALabunga OP t1_isjrnlo wrote

Yeah those guys didn't know how to fight at all. If I didn't have to have one hand on my bike at all times I would have been laying dudes down. I was able to duck and dodge most the punches though.


iftair t1_isjsp4z wrote

I also live in a different neighborhood and had time to spare.

Next time, I'm doing my research. I'm still new to the city so it's been a learning process on getting around without a car.


RuinAdventurous1931 t1_isjuhvq wrote

There’s an organization near there called Project Plase. I don’t know whether they cater to a specific group, but they might be able to help or bring you somewhere else with clothes and supplies. My friend used to work there.


CaptConstantine t1_isjvs2k wrote

I am so glad I don't live in Baltimore anymore.

3 years of not going outside after 5pm really weighs on you.


ChocolateDropper- t1_isjypbe wrote

Hey, man I’m really sorry you had to go through all this. I have some pots and pans that you can have as well as some clothes and a winter jacket. If you have some time on Wednesday after 3/4 pm then I can get those to you.


Meepmeep0957574775 t1_isk1k7p wrote

The problem is its NOT that easy to know. West Baltimore doesn't just = dangerous. Walbrook Junction might be rough at times but the neighborhoods of Dickeyville, Franklintown, Mt Holly, Ten Hills, they're quiet and mostly very nice. Same with Poppleton and Pigtown and Hollins Market. You don't know which neighborhoods are rough or dangerous, or if they're just that way at certain times of day, until someone tells you specifically which neighborhoods to avoid or you've lived here long enough to figure it out. Or you're lucky enough to exist only in the L.


molesterofpriests t1_isk6owf wrote

Can you elaborate? Im not from Baltimore but as a white guy who grew up in projects where I was the minority, 1 of 3 white kids in the entire building. Im curious why white people would say Baltimore isnt worth it?


ppw23 t1_isk89up wrote

I’m so sorry, I’m currently without a car and too far away to get to you. Do you mind me asking where your new job (not the company)is located? As stated above, get out of that neighborhood. I had a bad situation there when I got a flat tire one night, ugh. Do you have a friend or relative you can stay with tonight? You’ve been through physical and emotional trauma, a hot shower and not sleeping on the ground are in order.


CrunchyTater t1_isk8ijb wrote

Honestly, if you are homeless, don’t stay in the city. How long have you lived in Maryland/Baltimore that you didn’t know that Edmonson was clearly someone you shouldn’t be?? You’re going to get yourself killed man. Head down to Columbia man


ppw23 t1_isk9uan wrote

The thing about Baltimore, is it changes street to street and by the block. I had a relative visiting from Washington State 2 summers ago. I gave him streets to avoid and a hand drawn map telling him which ones.


BRAVOMAN55 t1_isk9xri wrote

God damn man... this is why I use ZIPS.


gaytee t1_iska9p3 wrote

Considering moving back for some business opportunities, y’all we just gotta start carrying and defending ourselves. Too many baltimore citizens are what criminals call “easy targets”, because too many people think they can just keep their head down, avoid the shadiness, and go about their day, but the fact is shit like this still happens and goes unreported most days.

This works a lot of the time, but until we as a normal society start pushing back on the criminals in society and expecting BPD to save us, they’ll continue to rob and assault you and your loved ones.

Sorry this happened to you, we all need to do better so this doesn’t happen again, and sadly, it’s likely gonna take some violence and pushback from the citizens since the police don’t do shit.


4look4rd t1_iskammd wrote

Man whenever I think about moving to Baltimore from DC I see posts like these. I’m no stranger to urban violance, I am from São Paulo after all. But the one thing I love about living in the US is that I can walk from place to place without fear of being mugged or assaulted. I can’t go back to that type of life.


gaytee t1_iskbbce wrote

A lot of Baltimore is fucked and not desirable to live in, white black or orange, what’s inaccurate about that? Edmonson is one of those areas that most people don’t wanna live in bcz of stupid shit like this. Whether people live there or not, I’d bet most of them don’t want to n


Odd-Alternative-996 t1_iskddn6 wrote

OP - I’ll DM you. I’ve got a bunch of stuff you might be able to use.


rand0m_task t1_iskej4e wrote

Just blows my mind that anyone would live in this city.

This is by no means a rare occurrence.


Cold-Yogurtcloset975 t1_iskfgqt wrote

This is horrid I’m sorry this happened to you . Again this is why we don’t get to have nice things in Baltimore. Everyone is too darn chicken to help victims or turn in criminals. They need to put cameras up on every flipping corner like in the United Kingdom . If you can’t play nice you don’t deserve privacy. Pisses me off thugs getting away with this behavior and literally getting cuddled.


_sk3llwo_ t1_iskioh7 wrote

im so sorry this happened. :( but I just googled this place and it says it’s closed?


The_Lady_Gears t1_iskqkkt wrote

This is rough!! I’m sorry you went through this. I’ve messaged you about some assistance that I’d be more than happy to help you with. gif


MazelTough t1_iskvd6c wrote

I’ve got mess kit and bf has a sleeping bag, message me bud


Thanatosst t1_iskwp8p wrote

Thankfully thinly-veiled racism of needing "a good and substantial reason" to obtain a concealed carry permit was struck down by the SCOTUS recently, so now everyday people can legally concealed carry.

Edit: Lol, it's clear from the downvotes that some people are upset that self-defense isn't being restricted to the white upper class anymore.


BassGod215 t1_iskws1q wrote

My best advice is to regroup, gather new necessary things as people here are willing to donate, get yourself together and head south .... this winter is supposed to be very cold here with a lot of snow .... go south where it's warmer and you have a better chance....


Mindfulhydration t1_isl0cln wrote

I lived in SouthWest Baltimore for over a decade and most I experienced with property crime (mainly car break in but one time a yard break in and a ladder stolen), and a bad neighbor who acted like proper trash disposal was some unsolvable discrete math equation. However, it does get dicey street by street here, and most of Edmonson village is NOT somewhere to bike and chill. But let's not malign all of West Baltimore. I got into an accident in that part of town once. My car completely flipped over and a group of "grimey" dudes who I would probably have been scared to roll my car window down to speak at that time had to pull me from my car before it caught on fire. They waited with me and gave me a compress for my bleeding head until the ambulance came. One guy was maybe just 14 and he said, "when that car hit you, I was shook!" I still smile about that. That incident really took the wind out of my baltimore hate sails when it came to the people of Baltimore. It's a lot of good people here despite the ones involved in shenanigans...and you can't always tell by what people look like. Really sorry OP ran into the rough crowd.


gaytee t1_isl45bo wrote

Oh word? I’ve got CC out of state and an in-state LLC that deals heavily in cash now, figured it would still be a PITA of paperwork to get a permit but that’s good to know.


gizmojito t1_isl4iro wrote

I saw that Google shows that it is closed, too. And if you look at the Google Street View, the only available image is from 2019 and it looks like it had already closed then. And if you just do a Google search for laundromats in that area, it doesn't come up as an option. ???


xBlackMarvelx t1_isl4k18 wrote

I just wanna share this post to all the people that have been posting recently about moving to the city. The city is getting more and more dangerous. Those cops didn’t even file a report or anything after that I bet. Only a matter of time before the city is over run. Get out while you can!


HALabunga OP t1_isl4kgy wrote

I really appreciate that. I'm actually at planet fitness now, letting my phone charge and about to get into a nice hot shower now. As far as sleeping on the ground, right now I actually have a pretty nice covered tent-hammock. It's not the same as a bed, but I make it work. I start work tomorrow, it won't be long until I'm back on my feet again.


nightmareorreality t1_isl53sa wrote

Try to stay around Remington/Charles village/hampden. You’ll avoid a lot of this kind of stuff and people are pretty nice. If you’re looking for somewhere nice to hang during the day check out wyman park dell by the art museum.


STLTriggerMan t1_isl6acg wrote

I live on the east side and have my whole life. You have to have your head on a swivel. Depending on where you're going and why I'd recommend avoiding it if necessary or a ss 9mm or somethingt hat doesn't index on your frame. Personal security is paramount. Most people will advise against my advice. I know what's up. I've had 2 people try to come in my home a couple years ago to try to get me to unlock all my bikes in the detached garage. Negative. My cat tipped me off. Lol

I moved to 45 minutes west of Atlanta for 8yrs. I used to coast my car down the hill at 2am and play an old arcade machine with no one else around. I had to get used to no helicopters or cops or guns at night. Just hunting and farming..

It's so fucked up everywhere right now that you'll get robbed anywhere any time. Especially at gas stations in specific clothes or just being without real purpose. I'll stop babbling but if your gonna do what you must do it early or with someone and if you're not sure don't go there packed out. Cruise through. Not advocating violence rather self preservation. Like you said the store owner basically called you a white bitch and said bounce. Hey at least you know the score. You're alive and you have learned.

If you were up this side I'd drop some stuff on you. We always take stuff to the church and whatnot. Please be safe. I love my hometown but it can be a motherfuxker. ✌️😁


Whiskey-Chocolate t1_isl8rz0 wrote

Yes. But not everyone is.

So, what was the intent of your comment? Sometimes posts looking for help and some empathy and you thought your reply was helpful? You thought it was empathetic? You thought it was kind?

No. You were being a superior douche on the Internet.

Do better next time. Just because you thought it, doesn’t mean it needs to come out of your mouth or fingers.


CrunchyTater t1_islak5e wrote

This question doesn’t make sense. If they have very little knowledge of Baltimore, they wouldn’t know.

If you’re asking what areas they should be worried about, I would say anything more than a few blocks west of the inner harbor & north of the inner harbor. I would say don’t go further west than Camden Yards. If you’re on the west side of Martin Luther King Blvd, turn back immediately. As you head further north, anything on the left of the 83 is a not good. Stick to Locust Point, Federal Hill, Fells Point and Canton. Even those last two are becoming more and more dangerous.


CrunchyTater t1_islb9j0 wrote

You sound like someone who’s had the luxury of having a home all their life. Living on the street, it is a world of harsh realities. If someone doesn’t say straight up, learn where the fuck you are, especially if homeless, you are just going to get yourself into a world of hurt.

So, you ask me of my intent? My intent is a wake up call. Baltimore is an extremely dangerous city. It’s not coddling, it’s saying be careful, because the only one looking out for you is yourself.

My advice, as I mentioned, move down to Columbia, is more beneficial to them than any of your white knighting bullshit. So either give OP some advice, give them some stuff or piss off.


CrunchyTater t1_islbkg0 wrote

Baltimore has some really lovely areas, yet it is still one of the most dangerous cities in America. This is because the bad parts are that fucking bad. People die nearly every day and the police had shown time and time again that they won’t bend over backwards to make any changes.


Prestigious-Kiwi-833 t1_isldvkt wrote

I just looked up this business online and it says they are permanently closed… wonder what’s going on?


smacks23 t1_isljsoo wrote

Stick to DC if you are In NW. otherwise it might not be that big of a difference if you stay in a safe area of Baltimore. It’s sad but Baltimore seems to be on a constant bad streak. And dc has been to since 2010 but it’s much better than Baltimore


prettyminnie t1_isllf5d wrote

At least keep walking til Ellicott city. It’s true though some areas are all right but all of a sudden the next block turns dangerous real quick and OP was even lucky the police were helpful.


papasmurf334 t1_isllomv wrote

Commenting on this thread to offer help. Pm me for any camping gear you might need man, that fucking blows.


absolut696 t1_isloi1x wrote

Not looking for an argument but I’m not actually sure if that’s true. I’d like to see stats on that. From my perception living/visiting here for 30 years there are a lot of formerly blighted areas that are being gentrified in the last 15 years or so, and the nice areas have gotten even nicer.

I think the issue is that the really bad pockets in W Baltimore, SW Baltimore, and NE Baltimore are getting worse, but there is some encroachment going on due to the gentrification. There’s some major inequality/stratification issues going on in this city either way, and the post Freddy Grey years have been really tough on this city. It’s remaining to see if this is going to be a long term trend or a shorter term issue.


xBlackMarvelx t1_isloskn wrote

I’d agree with the gentrification aspect for sure. They’re definitely trying to make nicer parts but ignoring the shittier parts and letting that shit seap into these gentrified areas they’re doing up just makes it feel like it’s getting shittier when ever the “good” parts are getting bad you know?


jsjdjshshueu t1_islyd5h wrote

If I was in Baltimore I’d instantly come to bring you food , any kind of items you need, charger , sleeping bag etc , seriously lol. I know a lot of people wouldn’t do it but I definitely would have if I was in Baltimore : (


lurkerbelurking t1_ism61nj wrote

I just looked “princess coin laundry” in google maps and it shows “permanently closed”. Hmmm


ForumFamous t1_ismal3s wrote

Definitely a front of some kind…


Douseigh t1_ismia5t wrote

I’m sorry for what happened to u and hindsight 2020, glad u got away. Keep your head on a swivel. Suds is a nice ass laundromat wouldn’t ever go to the other ones around here except the one on Frederick and caton


Odd-Alternative-996 t1_ismrg11 wrote

What the fuxk are you taking about? If you’re so nervous that you won’t leave your house unless you’re in a group after dark, you need to seek professional help and/or move to a suburb. This is fuxking embarrassing and makes our city seem much worse than it actually is.

Jesus H Christ; grow the fuck up.


CaptConstantine t1_ismw7fo wrote

Look man, I lived there for 3 years. I was obviously out after dark more than once, willingly or not. You absolutely need to travel in a group at night, and if you're alone you need to be LOUD.

Are you trying to tell me Baltimore is a safe city? Are you telling me you can ride your bike through ANY part of Baltimore without risking getting jumped? I rode my bike from Bolton Hill, down Charles St, to the Harbor and back. That is basically the most mainstream, eyes-up, lots-of-witnesses, lots-of-tourists ride a local can ride. I rode to work on a Monday morning, and home that Monday evening. On the ride to work, I had a guy come out of a building entryway swinging at me. On the way home, I was chased twice. I never rode in Baltimore again.

Which was probably safer, because the bike paths in Baltimore are constantly strewn with... the only word I can come up with is "rubble," as in, like, a bomb went off. Chunks of concrete. Whole lengths of pipe. Wet cardboard boxes filled with Healthy Holly books. Just... debris. That is basically the crukx of what the fuxk I'm talking about.


> you need to seek professional help and/or move to a suburb.

  1. I recommend therapy to all adults. It's done wonders for me.
  2. You originally responded to a comment where I said I no longer live in Baltimore. That means I have already moved. Comprehension is key!

Odd-Alternative-996 t1_ismwt7u wrote

Cool story. I’ve lived here for 12 years, many of which I spent as a full time bike commuter living in Butcher’s Hill and working / going to school in North Baltimore. I still ride my bike (and not just on main thoroughfares) and generally don’t feel the need to wear an adult diaper just so I can go outside after dark.

Does crime exist? Yes. Is this a city? Also yes.

Check out Ellicott City; that feels more your speed my boi.


CaptConstantine t1_ismxxu7 wrote

Just curious, in your 12 years how many bikes have you had stolen? What about wheels / gears/ lights/ seats? How many times have you found stuff missing?

I have to admit the Ellicott City bit was pretty cute, especially since I'm pretty sure they're still underwater, aren't they? Another Maryland problem I have NO IDEA how to fix, and I'm even a policy guy. Troubles run deep in that neck of the woods. I'm glad we're out in the suburbs where we have bike paths and playgrounds and nobody gets punched at a major intersection.

Will crime always exist? Yes. Should we continue to make our city streets safer? Also yes.


Odd-Alternative-996 t1_ismyjqd wrote

12 years, 0 stolen bikes; 1 time, I caught a guy messing with my bike (locked to a bike rack with a city-worthy bike lock), but that’s kind of expected because, and I can’t express this enough, this is a city.

Do you think we make city streets safer by sitting on the couch and watching Dawson’s Creek and then fear-mongering on Reddit posts about how terrifying Bmore is and recounting how you poopied your panties once bc you rode your bike past a building and someone who had a different color skin than you walked out when you rode by? Is that the world you live in?


thepicjellyfish t1_isnqr2y wrote

I was born and raised here. It really is about how you dress and how you carry yourself. Never have I been jumped or felt threatened and I’ve been over in sowebo partying or whatever plenty of times. You just have to be smart, carry a taser or something, have a big dark coat and travel quickly. I think gangs and such will target you if you look like an out-of-Towner too a lot of the time. But my best piece of advice is get a ragged, oversized coat to wear over your nice clothes. Look broke.


lma214 t1_isnykoi wrote

So sorry this happened to you. Have you reached out to Beans and Bread (Fells Point), Our Daily Bread (Fallsway/under 83) or Healthcare for the Homeless (also Fallsway/under 83) for any assistance? All of those organizations have a variety of resources that may be helpful to you.


groovevault22 t1_iso5xv4 wrote

>Bolton Hill, down Charles St, to the Harbor and back. That is basically the most mainstream, eyes-up, lots-of-witnesses, lots-of-tourists ride a local can ride.

Going to have to disagree on this premise


CaptConstantine t1_isob31u wrote

I'm sorry that you are so angry, and I get the feeling based on your comments that you would change your situation if you could as there appears to be some seething envy lurking under there.

Cities I Have Lived and Worked In: Rapid City, SD; Denver, CO; Seattle, WA; Los Angeles, CA; Orlando, FL; Baltimore, MD; Washington, DC.

Cities I Have Been Chased or Harassed on my Bicycle: Baltimore, MD

Go ahead and keep telling yourself it's the dumb scared redditors who are the problem, not the decades of public neglect and despair leading to a city populated by the angry, bitter, and desperate (case in point).

But just so you know, it's ok to leave.


groovevault22 t1_isofb5s wrote

No issue with the route on that bike ride whatsoever: if that's where you needed to go then so be it. But there are some questionable spots on that ride. Not awful, but definitely would have me looking over my shoulder to a degree. What I drew from what you said was that you were using your bike route as an example of a very safe area, and that even that had you experiencing some danger. My disagreement is that I think there are several spots where you'd more than likely not be facing the obstacles that you had described. If I misinterpreted that, please let me know.

I'd imagine I'd feel comfortable in several parts of the city riding my bike at most hours of the day. As you can probably guess, I'd refer to most of FH/Riverside, Locust Point, Canton, probably Fells Point etc. If we bring in the more 'suburban-adjacent' neighborhoods, the list would grow but I'm assuming that's not really what we're talking about.

Unrelated, I am a big Bolton Hill fan


CaptConstantine t1_isohb3v wrote

Yeah we absolutely loved Bolton Hill, it's a cute little neighborhood and usually felt quite safe, although we constantly dealt with package/ mail theft.

I guess that's another one of the problems with Baltimore: Bolton Hill is cute, but if I go a mere 6 or 10 blocks to the west or north, I'm in some shit. The route I described definitely goes through little patchy areas, but I was more talking about how it also has dedicated bike lanes, and there is usually a lot of pedestrian traffic during daylight hours... in other words, not a place that I personally would try and rob somebody.

But again, one ride was enough for me. After that if I wanted to ride, I packed it out to the BWI trail or somewhere else outside of town.


rollin_in_doodoo t1_isokg54 wrote

Shit, I always thought that was called Franklintown, but you're right. Franklintown is over by Dickeyville. It looks like there's a neighborhood called Franklintown Road right next to Mosher so maybe that's how I got it mixed up.