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luchobucho t1_itvjsns wrote

“So 128 extra payments that are just fees instead of actual consumed water”

It seems perhaps you don’t understand how the fee structure works? The variable consumption fee is for water/sewer use. I.e. the treated drinking water/sewage.

The infrastructure fee is to cover the maintenance of the collection system (sewers) and distribution system (water mains). It’s not a variable fee because the costs are based on assets which don’t generally change month to month.

It’s honestly a more transparent way to do billing. It decouples the cost of treating water from the cost of maintenance (O vs M).


theyoungbloody t1_itvqlyt wrote

No I know how the fee structure works.

I understand what the fees go to (well what they are supposed to go to). I don't recall we ever had the $4.99 "account maintenance fee" before. Now we get it 12 times a year.

The water consumption has stayed constant, it's the price per CC of water that's went up, PLUS all the extra fees EVERY month. The fees were not as high as they are now when we had quarterly billing.