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LaraineAgain t1_itw1p8y wrote

Ours have steadily gone up too — we have a small apartment building with four apartments, at any given time we have 5 people living in our building. I pay the water bill. In 2011 it was $120 every 3 months. Now it’s $250 every month. We don’t have leaks. It’s just steadily increased over time. There was that 33% increase about 5 years ago that was implemented by 11% per year — that’s when they switched to monthly payments so people wouldn’t get sticker shocks w their bills. And I believe it again went up another 30% recently. I wouldn’t have such a problem with paying a lot for water if the city’s public works were run better — but they are a disaster. The constant water billing fiascos are a nightmare — there is zero competency in this area of city governance— it’s actually frightening.