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caro822 t1_ixn3rsn wrote

Ever since that stupid guy with a bat got shot by a squeeze kid there has been a BCPD SUV parked on the sidewalk at that intersection 24/7. They don’t do anything. Just sit in their car to make the rich people in the fancy apartment building feel better.


PleaseBmoreCharming t1_ixn4ahh wrote

You act like wanting to feel safe when a murder happened outside your building is a bad thing. I think we can all agree that BPD doesn't do shit, but don't hate on people's desire to feel safe in their homes.


Bravesfan043 t1_ixn8if0 wrote

Btw the rich people in the fancy apartment buildings = the tax base that pays for all the free stuff I’m sure you want.


TheSimulacra t1_ixpftqs wrote

You mean the "tax base" that gets all the fancy new roads, the nicest schools, the stop signs and traffic lights, the new shopping center permits, oh and as you just admitted, actual police protection? Sounds like they're the ones getting all the stuff bud.


pk10534 t1_ixnecka wrote

Ugh those silly rich people, not wanting to feel unsafe after a murder


DreSledge t1_ixnjibi wrote

Bet if it was silly poor people the pigs would be on some silly rich peoples corner instead anyways. Foh


pk10534 t1_ixnlaxy wrote

I would bet lots of money there are more patrol cars and officers in sandtown or mondawmin than there are in Roland Park


TheSimulacra t1_ixpfwio wrote

Doing what? Protecting people? Or finding excuses to add to their monthly quota?


DreSledge t1_ixnmjzm wrote

I see you’re full of pro-PIGanda.

If you find yourself wondering “why does it always always smell like shit?”, try to remember that at anytime you can choose to take a deep breath once your head is fully pulled out of your asshole.


pk10534 t1_ixnmt4n wrote

BPD can suck a dick but this entire post is stupid, and your comment was untrue as well. Hence why you didn’t even address my rebuttal. BPD does so many things wrong, we don’t need to stretch to find them