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Hisyphus t1_ixo31c9 wrote

Lol yeah I gotcha. From the way law schools flog Big Law, the most talented ones of all wind up doing corporate transactional work and never see a courtroom at all but rather send big checks.


1dayAwayagain t1_ixoj4q8 wrote

Yep. It's sad. My good friend who was a prosecutor called me and apologized for leaving public service ... Said a corporation gave him a number he couldn't say no to.

I said absolutely no judgements here, as I know public service lawyers don't get paid shit.


Hisyphus t1_ixojvi0 wrote

At the end of the day, I know when I close my laptop at 5 or 7 pm after a day of writing pharmaceutical contracts I won’t feel depressed or nauseous or angry. I’m not losing sleep worrying that one of my clients is going to get arrested, deported, or killed. But I also don’t feel like I’m making the world a better place. But who knows what I’ll be doing in 10 years. 🤷🏼‍♀️


1dayAwayagain t1_ixolnzy wrote

Don't be upset about missing out, the criminal judicial system is a scam. Just a revolving door.