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[deleted] t1_ixo92s3 wrote

Well, I imagine they'll have done something about the same dozen or so junkies that regularly go into stores and steal stuff or steal from lawns and brazenly walk around town with obviously stolen goods to a location that everyone know they'll trade the stolen goods for drugs at, sometimes inside but often outside in broad daylight. Maybe the violent ones would be handled, too.

And I don't know how big of an area. The city isn't really very big, dude. You can walk from Hampden to Fells in under an hour and a half.


DeliMcPickles t1_ixqk8iw wrote

So the cops in cars are answering the radio, which is 911 calls, and so they can get sent all over a district to chase calls. If you move them to foot, then you decrease the area they can cover. So you would normally give them a foot post of maybe 4-6 blocks. You can't replace the cops in cars with cops on foot because of the nature of the calls.

Also, while its possible to walk from Hampden to Fells, that's me walking on a block twice a day, if I'm walking back and forth. Also, if there's a call for a man with a gun or an armed robbery and I'm 4 blocks away on foot, then I'm gassed when I get there and I'm way late.

You need both is all I'm saying.


[deleted] t1_ixqloij wrote

Hampden to fells is under an hour and a half walk. If they only made it down and back once if that was their route it would be a very, very slow walk.

I never said we don’t need cars. That would be fucking dumb.

But we need more on foot. Equal representation so we have ones out witnessing and stopping crimes, and one’s responding to calls or sitting around in their cars doing nothing 90% of the time.

Plus, some of them need to exercise. I saw a mothercucker at 7-11 recently who was morbidly obese. It’s an absolute disgrace to allow that to be in uniform. He can’t chase anyone. Probably wouldn’t have been able to pick up a donut if he dropped it.