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XxCloudSephiroth69xX t1_ixqse8e wrote

It's no secret that officers had Gray in a leg lace during the arrest. This is nowhere near kneeling on his neck, like you initially claimed.

Source your claim about witnesses threatened with arrest for filming. Good luck, because it didn't happen.

You've already changed your own theory for the "murder", you clearly didn't pay much attention, because both theories have been contracted by with what the medical examiners said.

Please stop making things up.


hogsucker t1_ixqu7m7 wrote

I just realized that I'm engaging with a new account belonging to the shit head cop who abuses the "reddit cares" function to fuck with people he doesn't like.


XxCloudSephiroth69xX t1_ixqunm9 wrote

Yeah, my 10 year old account is a new one. You caught me. Also I've never done that. I've had plenty of disagreements with plenty of people here and I doubt you'll find someone who claims I did that to them. Yet another lie on your part.

Nice way to try to weasel your way out of admitting your other lies, by the way. Stop trolling.


hogsucker t1_ixqw9be wrote

Isn't it against Reddit rules to change accounts to get around bans? What is it about cops that makes them have so many issues obeying rules?


XxCloudSephiroth69xX t1_ixqwq7p wrote

I've never been banned. Meanwhile, trolling is actually against this sub's rules. So keep on deflecting and projecting. Sad that you're the absolute height of the anti-cop crowds.