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Purple_Box3317 t1_ixw660a wrote

Beautiful Italianate building? That building was a shithole and furthermore it wasn’t the developer it was the structural engineers…if anyone is to blame it’s the engineer who didn’t seem to think it was prudent to brace that building.


sacrificebundt t1_ixw8x61 wrote

Yeah you’re so full of shit, I know people who lived in that building, it was no different than any other mansion converted into apartments in MV up until the developer “accidentally” damaged it beyond repair


wer410 t1_ixx1x09 wrote

Yeah, everyone knows people ffs. Except that building wasn't the same as other mansions converted to apartments. The architecture of that building's exterior was fairly unique for B'more and the stonework was still impressive. The interior still had a lot of original details despite the efforts of cheap landlords to screw it up over the years.


sacrificebundt t1_ixxj9cl wrote

This only supports my point that the building wasn’t a shithole


wer410 t1_ixxmfqt wrote

My mistake, I totally misread your comment. All apologies here.


wer410 t1_ixw6ts6 wrote

Shithole? Man you're fucked up, that was a beautiful building. And I've got a bridge in Brooklyn I'll sell to you cheap if you really believe the developer didn't coordinate that entire fiasco.


Purple_Box3317 t1_ixy1qhp wrote

Unfortunately for you I was very involved with that entire thing and the destruction of that ancillary building was a fucking fiasco for the project.


wer410 t1_ixz8trb wrote

Of course you were. Now make me an offer on that bridge...