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Dull-Lab644 t1_ixqfppe wrote

My heart breaks for you and your friend. Despite the reasoning for this act of violence, it’s sad what Baltimore City has become. I’m old enough to remember the way it use to be, now I worry for everyone that must live or work within this realm of unlawfulness.


MamaTR t1_ixqjtg7 wrote

What it used to be? When was that? Baltimore has been one of the top violent cities for a few decades now..


EthanSayfo t1_ixqo46b wrote

Things were actually getting better for a while. It seemed to shift significantly (for a few reasons, I think) after the Freddie Gray riots and consent decree.


Appropriate-Lab-5015 t1_ixqz6zy wrote

2008 until like 2015 was very different than now. Dixon years and beginning of SRB before she fucked it up.