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micmea1 t1_ixrc2e8 wrote

Honestly it infuriates me to hear friends and others say stuff like, "It's not that bad." I get not wanting to hear your home's name get dragged through the mud but stories like this are FAR TOO COMMON. The state of the city is horrifying.


DfcukinLite t1_ixs5p1d wrote

This shooting, like the vast majority of murders wasn’t random. It was targeted shooting.


Unfair-Rip9168 t1_ixrdmm6 wrote

I like living in Baltimore. I feel safe, but there is a longgggg way to go to make the city safe for everyone


Appropriate-Lab-5015 t1_ixrm82d wrote

North of the park really isnt in the L. At best its the margins. Youngans man corners and guard drop points just blocks away. Like 1-2 blocks