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DiscoDeadhead t1_ixp87q4 wrote

I read about that on a Facebook page and I’m so sorry for your friend, I can’t imagine what she is going through. The post I saw said police don’t think it was a random shooting, if that’s even a remote possibility I hope your friend is staying somewhere safe. It breaks my heart that things have gotten so bad.


flyingspaghettisauce t1_ixpzlcx wrote

I’m so sorry to learn of this horror. May humanity see the healing it so desperately needs. Sending love.


Dull-Lab644 t1_ixqfppe wrote

My heart breaks for you and your friend. Despite the reasoning for this act of violence, it’s sad what Baltimore City has become. I’m old enough to remember the way it use to be, now I worry for everyone that must live or work within this realm of unlawfulness.


Appropriate-Lab-5015 t1_ixqmwa4 wrote

So sorry for your loss and for your friends as well.

I hope they get support. I think the these situations are worse in Baltimore because it's unlikely the killers will be found and even less likely they'll receive actual consequences.


EthanSayfo t1_ixqo46b wrote

Things were actually getting better for a while. It seemed to shift significantly (for a few reasons, I think) after the Freddie Gray riots and consent decree.


C0SMIC_WARRIOR t1_ixqyfip wrote

You should write poetry. This is a beautiful piece of art displaying great pain. -I’m sick of hearing and/or seeing on the news the senseless killing & bullying of innocent people. From the inner City of Baltimore, across all states, in every hood, why the fxxx do people glorify harming people just for clout!? That could’ve been there own brother, sister, or even little cousin if things were different.


rockybalBOHa t1_ixr4mcq wrote

This is obviously a horrible story and I feel awful for the victim and family. However, this story should not be filed under the "Baltimore is getting so much worse" BS. Patterson Park, and the area surrounding PP, is immensely safer now than it was 5 years ago, and especially 10-15 years ago. There was a time in the recent past that people would avoid the Park because of muggings, gang activity, and prostitution. It's not perfect now, but man, it's a lot better than it was. Even during the Shelia Dixon reign, when Baltimore had a hundred less murders than now, Patterson Park was a lot more dicey. Yes, random violence can and obviously does happen, but to anyone paying attention, PP is great and getting greater.


HombreDeCamote t1_ixr6pji wrote

Thank you for sharing your words with us. I'm so sorry for what you and your loved ones are experiencing. I am not eloquent enough to provide anything more than witness to your unimaginable pain. You will feel better again some day, but maybe not today. <3


micmea1 t1_ixrc2e8 wrote

Honestly it infuriates me to hear friends and others say stuff like, "It's not that bad." I get not wanting to hear your home's name get dragged through the mud but stories like this are FAR TOO COMMON. The state of the city is horrifying.


Unfair-Rip9168 t1_ixrdduk wrote

Agree, surprised this happened there. A block up from the park is still pretty much the demarcation line for safe an unsafe imho. We need a transit line on fayette to improve quality of life in east Baltimore.


turntmama t1_ixrfk07 wrote

H was an incredible person. He was a one of a kind personality that you only meet one of in life. If you knew him you were lucky. We'll miss him so much. It was never deserved and were heartbroken to see him go. 💔💔


DirtyPolecat t1_ixrgy63 wrote

> why the fxxx do people glorify harming people just for clout

To even begin to understand what circumstances in someone's life would drive someone to eventually do that is not something our society is ready to confront and proactively do something about. We punish after the fact. We aren't set up to prevent it from happening in the first place.

Someone who is secure, fed, medically cared for, and housed adequately has no reason to join a gang or murder anybody.


wickd_science t1_ixrir07 wrote

It's been that way since roughly 2009 when I first moved to the city. It was the same when I left in 2019. I'm not even the least bit surprised, there's been several senseless murders of non-gang residents over that period of time there and elsewhere. Do not let the niceness of the day fool you, you still need to look over your shoulder all the time in that city. Glad I'm gone.


AmbitionOfPhilipJFry t1_ixrrqju wrote

3 types of people out at 3AM- first responders, victims and criminals. Don't be out at 3AM, there's no reason for it in a violent city.


Appropriate-Lab-5015 t1_ixs7dbi wrote

Once you go a couple blocks north you're ddh whether you know it or not. I doubt a single yt redditor would voluntarily live (long term) more than a block of two above the park. (This doesn't count ppl who live there bc of budget limitations)


kenoh t1_ixsbt8t wrote

Man, I'm looking at OP's history, and now I'm not convinced that they didn't find a random murder and made sure we're all talking about it here, making the city look worse than it is.


S-Kunst t1_ixsf5e2 wrote

I agree. There has been a push to push for more night life and carousing at the bars. Few people out in the wee hours of the morning are not getting ready for work or coming home from work. Not the ones passing my house at that time. I hear them arguing and being loud and rude. They are the idle and lounge-abouts during the day. It was the same when I lived in Irvington.