Submitted by appleoftruth t3_z1uvx8 in baltimore

Heya! My prospective roommate and I are on the rental search. Requirements include; 2 bed, 1.5 bath, and cat friendly. Any recs on property managers to follow? So far, I’m following Bay Management Group. We are interested in Charles Village, Remington, Hampden, Patterson Park area, North Charles, and Mt. Vernon.

Thank you in advance!!



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jessiewicz t1_ixdcmqt wrote

It’s very difficult to give suggestions without a price range and when you are looking to move. Do you want someone to look for listings for you or are you looking for an management companies for the future?


appleoftruth OP t1_ixdif5p wrote

Max $1900. ~Feb 1 move in date. Looking for management companies. Thanks!


RichCattle9055 t1_ixdnckp wrote

Facebook and Craigslist have worked the best for me while I was trying to find listings/property managers. Just search something like “Baltimore housing Patterson park” etc and a bunch of groups will pop up on Facebook


senzei88 t1_ixdvnar wrote

Stay away from horizon house used to be such a nice property but has gone to crap last 3 or 4 years.


NationalMyth t1_ixe4y11 wrote Zillow or redfin rentals Craigslist University Haven Management

Stay away from American Management.


PitchFormal921 t1_ixe9fqf wrote

Yeah American MGMT is pretty terrible. Unfortunately they own bulk of rentals in Charles Village and My Vernon at this point


OtherExperience9179 t1_ixf9v45 wrote

Found ours on Zillow. Was checking it every day, contacted the property mgr for the one we ended up moving into the same day it was posted. Things go fast in good areas. Zillow and FB would be probably the best. Good luck!