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SaveFailsafe t1_iwjme9x wrote

If they're serious they could put a physical roadblock halfway down the street. So residents can get in and out either end, but you have to exit the same side you enter.


Human-sweatervest t1_iwjpcu4 wrote

As someone who lives pretty much exactly halfway down List, a physical roadblock halfway down the street would be a truly terrible idea. A speed bump would be welcome!


SaveFailsafe t1_iwjs5pz wrote

I really doubt they will install anything like that, but that's the way to stop drivers for real. We all know paint on the road or signs on posts do absolutely nothing to slow down a determined asshole.


Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_iwld1mz wrote

The police department could start issuing traffic violations again. Then over time people would learn you can't just ignore the laws.