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BaltimoreBadger23 t1_iv588i8 wrote

I don't know if it will be replaced, but the author of the Dredd Scott opinion does not deserve to be honored with a statue.


WillieKeeler96 t1_iv5ed6g wrote

We should put up Douglass and Tubman statues on the east and west sides of Mt Vernon Pl to match Howard and Lafayette


QuothThe2ToedSloth t1_iv5emrd wrote

Baltimore needs a Billie Holiday statue. Can we all agree on that?


SonofDiomedes t1_iv5mi38 wrote

I’m good with avoiding statues of individuals. A statue honoring soldiers of a given conflict, or the proffession of Nursing, sure.

Lionizing a particular person begs to become irrelevant at best, or worse, as in this case: dude loved slavery.


Accurate-Lecture7473 t1_iv6uunn wrote

And there’s murals up and down S Durham street. The Billie Holiday statue is one of my favorites.


call_me_ping t1_iv8gc61 wrote

This article talks about the beginning of the removal process.

I'd like to see figures or art commissioned by the city from local bipoc artists as reparations.