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CookieMonster932 t1_ix855qi wrote

Even NPR admits that more police lead to less crime.. Some estimates even say one more police officer leads to 0.1 less homicides. Those are predominantly Black lives. If you think Black Lives Matter, which I do, then you should support more police.


rockybalBOHa t1_ix87bsa wrote

I think Baltimore's leaders would be thrilled to hire more police. The problem is finding enough people who want to do that job.


z3mcs t1_ix87uwo wrote

Its not nearly that simple of an equation. Thats akin to saying “more sunlight is good for your mood, good for plants and animals, so stay in the sunlight all day every day with no sunscreen on.” And especially with the history and even current status of the bpd, this is just a gross oversimplification of a statement.


Cheomesh t1_ix96cyd wrote

>one more police officer leads to 0.1 less homicides

So 10 cops to one less body. While I definitely think less bodies tend to be a good thing, that sounds incredibly expensive at scale.