Submitted by MillyLife t3_z11m0f in baltimore

On November 11, at 11:30 pm I arrived at the facility and began parking my scooter, while parking my scooter an employee Mike from the inside was staring at me, i felt a little uncomfortable but I parked my scooter and entered the building. While Mike didn't address me immediately, I pulled out my passport and let him know I had signed up earlier. Mike said I need a QR code to get in. I replied saying it's my first time here but I signed up earlier. He then said I'm not a member and that I'm not allowed in. I expressed I am a member and that I signed up earlier in the day. He said without a QR code I can't get in. I said that's fine and began trying to get the app working on my phone. I asked him to help me log in or give me any advice as he was staring at me intensely. I’m getting more nervous and sweaty cuz I’m getting no help and he’s just staring. He said no I cant touch your phone. I said you can't help me? he said no i'm not a member. He then said he would call the police if I didn't leave. I asked why call the police when I'm a member. He said "trespassing '' I then asked for another employee's help. They asked him why he couldn't look me up on the computer. He said he can't use the computer after 9. He didn't once touch the merritt club system, denied me entry, was extremely rude and threatened my life saying he'll call the cops. After the employee kept questioning him, I felt annoyed, disrespected, and not wanting to escalate the situation for everyone I went home.

Right before i left tho i asked for another employee for help and she was just as confused why he couldn’t look me up or wouldn’t try. She asked why he wouldn’t look me up past 9 and he gave a weird answer and she looked at me as if there’s nothing else she could do. I accepted it, and left.

The next morning i contacted the GM who was extremely understanding and explained it does say to come into the gym within 72 hours of signing up with no specific time. they said they’ll contact marketing so it doesn’t happen again.

I’ve signed up to plenty of gyms and never had issues yet constantly I’m greeted with very aggressive employees at this location. I feel deflated and useless because this man very clearly judge me prior to entering refused me a service i have a contract agreeing too yet there’s nothing i can do but accept the racism and deal with it.

Edit: i find some of the comments very interesting. But let’s not all pretend no matter what race you are cops are dangerous. They escalate almost all situations. I do not like confrontation or escalation.

Edit: any advice on if there’s anything i can do?



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Matt3989 t1_ix99ut9 wrote

I had an employee there threaten to call the cops on me for trespassing because I locked my bike up on the rack on the sidewalk.

I had assumed the rack was in public right of way, but apparently it's not. The employee went right to shouting and threatening to call the police. Seems like a pattern there.


ConsciousPop6309 t1_ix8q49e wrote

for what it's worth - i've had terrible experiences at fort ave which caused me to finally cancel


the_Expletus t1_ix9v3m8 wrote

Cops escalate every situation ?? You need a reality check.


[deleted] t1_ix9wns5 wrote



tomansari t1_ixa21oo wrote

Just accept we live in different worlds lol. You’re reality is a sheltered bubble and others face actual adversity. Perhaps it’s not that they need a reality check, it’s more so that you need a new perspective on your reality 😂


Quantius t1_ix8ggdd wrote

Had me in the first 99% ngl.

I've never been to Merritt, but I will say that people are much much much more suspicious and cautious late at night in the city (for good reason), but the whole story is weird. Passport? At the gym? Also, can't tell if this is a #racism, actual racism, or "muh reverse racism" post.

Go during the daytime and hopefully you'll have a better experience. Are you new to Baltimore or America by chance (hence passport)?


planetarylaw t1_ix9bhy4 wrote

Maybe it's because I frequently travel internationally and many of my friends and colleagues are foreign nationals, but I don't think using a passport as a form of valid ID to be weird at all.


MillyLife OP t1_ix8hdz2 wrote

No just lost my ID, and I’ve never had this happen at planet fitness downtown or Golds gym.

Edit: what part did i lose u at? For me this whole experience was horrible and nobody even cares. See even you decided it’s a non issue. I feel horrible and useless


ahbagelxo t1_ix8jppn wrote

I think you're attaching far too much significance to this one instance. I get how individual experiences can have an impact on you, but you need to evaluate why this incident has left you feeling "horrible and useless."

24 hour gyms have different policies overnight when they're less staffed. You don't necessarily have all the same access, especially if you JUST signed up, as you would during the day when they can actually give you a tour and make sure you understand the lay of the land.

You definitely don't need validation from people on reddit to process any experience, positive or negative.


MillyLife OP t1_ix8k6gj wrote

Honestly the policy isn’t even my biggest complaint it’s how it was handled was completely disrespectful and arrogant as a member it’s just horrible.

Edit: even so the GM told me it says to come in within 72 hours nothing else.


ahbagelxo t1_ix8kd5q wrote

It definitely sounds like that person didn't handle it well at all, but it sounds like everyone else was supportive and helpful so hopefully this one person doesn't ruin what can be an otherwise positive place for you.


MillyLife OP t1_ix8kzj8 wrote

Ya but that’s like spitting in my face then everyone is telling me to deal with it. It’s hard to swallow


ahbagelxo t1_ix8lsyi wrote

Genuine question: what are you hoping for from people in response to this situation?


HarmlessHeffalump t1_ix9hhmd wrote

For real, what are a bunch of Redditors going to do? OP we don't work there...


MillyLife OP t1_ix8m74g wrote

Good advice, maybe a more positive community? This wasn’t a acceptable interaction. Unless you think it is. If so how would you feel in my situation?


ahbagelxo t1_ix8n04v wrote

As far as I can tell both in this thread and what you've said about the other employees at this location, everyone agrees it wasn't an acceptable or normal interaction. Some people also speculated about the need for overly cautious interactions at a 24 hour facility at night, but everyone seems to agree the employee could have handled it better/differently.


donta4 t1_ix8wo4i wrote

Look man, you had a weird situation. Maybe this guy was new and confused and worried about making a mistake. Don’t let one weird interaction stop you from doing what you want. Get your membership card and just go on with your life. If you see this Mike guy again just scan your card and smile in his face and go about your business.


Purple_Box3317 t1_ix8rk6u wrote

You want the hard truth as to why everyone is yelling you to “just deal with it”? Because it’s an insignificant thing. You’re acting as if your life is going to be ruined because of this one incident. People have bad days, maybe “Mike” was having a bad day. Im sure your frustration with the situation didn’t help to calm the vibe either. People are becoming so, and I HATE this word, soft. This isn’t a life altering issue, you came here for pity from the community and you didn’t get it, and now you’re whining about not getting pity. Toughen up. Some days are harder than others. Short of someone physically assaulting you, or continuously berating or belittling you, things aren’t that big of a deal. Shake it off, move on, and I hope you have a better experience when you go next time.


wer410 t1_ix8kbpa wrote

You can't let an employee at a gym make you feel useless. Yes the situation would leave me frustrated and very annoyed and probably make me cancel my membership - but I'll be damned if it would make me feel horrible and useless. Know your worth and don't let others lessen it.

Having said that, I'll ever so slightly give the employee a little slack here, as I've had my locker broken into and wallet stolen at this gym when the front desk let some guys talk their way into the gym at night and those guys proceeded to steal from legitimate members. So yeah, they need to be sure about who gets in.


MillyLife OP t1_ix8loc2 wrote

It’s not only this incident that makes me feel this way. The University of Baltimore refuses students to use the gym because they train cops there. I’ve asked multiple times to be allowed to use school gym i pay tuition for but they refuse. Not only that, but they have untrained cops with weapons all around campus. The same cops that we have to pay millions of dollars in lawsuits for. this whole Baltimore situation is so fucked up on so many levels.

I’m just tryna work out man.


wer410 t1_ix8mg15 wrote

Baltimore is fucked up on many levels. It's also awesome on many levels. Neither is a reflection of you.


Quantius t1_ix8qzvu wrote

Well fwiw I’m sorry it happened and I’m also sorry for contributing to making you feel horrible - wasn’t my intention.


donta4 t1_ix8keke wrote

I'm confused, you said you only signed up for the gym (I'm assuming online?) earlier that day but then later you say you're "constantly greeted with very aggressive employees." So you've been to the gym before? If you signed up online did you have an email or something from them?

I frequent this gym and have found pretty much everyone working the desk to be extremely friendly. This is during the day of course, not late at night so maybe it's a different situation.

Seems like this guy was being extremely weird.


MillyLife OP t1_ix8kv1d wrote

I play Volo basketball at the gym but the employees are usually rude even during day. Merrit is one only good gyms in Baltimore so i pretty much was forced to sign up unless i wanna go out my way.

Edit: but now i will after this experience.


Bonzi777 t1_ix8zn5q wrote

There’s no basketball court at the Fort Avenue location, is there?


sleek1986 t1_ix97itw wrote

No basketball at Fort Ave, but there is basketball at Canton. No idea about the downtown location.


Bonzi777 t1_ix98ea7 wrote

Fort Avenue is the one they refer to as “downtown”, I believe. But I’m saying that a bad experience during Volo basketball would have had to be at Canton.

Edit: I have been informed this is incorrect.


sleek1986 t1_ix99d3w wrote

Not true, Fort ave is the locust point location, there is a 3rd location in the city that is "downtown"


rayray52 t1_ix9jswt wrote

No I think Downtown location is the one in Mt Vernon, between Centre and Monument Sts. Used to go to that one when I was working nearby.


planetarylaw t1_ix9b6k4 wrote

I'm sorry that's a really awful experience. I've never been to Merritt and don't have any advice regarding them. I just wanted to highly recommend the Y of Central Maryland. There are many locations throughout the city and county and each one I've been to is 10/10 amazing in every way. Very welcoming and inclusive people and atmosphere. I cannot comment on race specifically, but my kids were born with birth defects/ genetic diagnoses and no one has ever made us feel uncomfortable. I see a lot of families that bring their kids and adult family members of different needs/abilities there and everyone is very comfortable and the Y staff are so accommodating. So like I said, I can't comment on race issues (being white and all) but feel like their inclusiveness regarding my personal experiences is a good sign in that respect. The Y is also very affordable. Family membership is $100 and it includes the pool and a lot of classes and free childcare while you workout (in case you have little ones). You said in another comment you play basketball. I know that some locations do have nice courts and pickup basketball. Ample parking in their lots too, nobody would look at you weird for showing up and parking your scooter. I never had any issues signing up or checking in at the front desk either. Best of luck.


In_This_To_Win_This t1_ix9x054 wrote

Y is great! Pool access all year round is amazing when you have kids. Only problem is they close ay 9pm during the week and at 5pm on the weekends. If you need later hours, you may need planet fitness or a gym like that.


Luxmoorekid t1_ix8ls3s wrote

I‘ve been a member at that gym for years. I‘ve found the staff always to be polite and friendly. Also, the gym is highly racially integrated, both among the staff and the members.


MillyLife OP t1_ix8m11h wrote

Thank you for telling me ur experience. I believe it to be real. I also believe my experience was real and also true of the gym.


Silent-Tax8705 t1_ixa593w wrote

sheesh. A lot of yall showing your true colors towards foreigners and poc in these commmets. No surprise it existed but this is what it took to bring this out and a lot of them are specifying that they dont even use the downtown location.

I do and have used it at all times of night and day. The place costs $82 a month; if he wants to activate his account at 2am, so the fuck what, he should be able to.

Recommend the mornings based on similar experiences but I’m also preemptively standoffish and aggressive towards people for this exact reason.


auroraggs t1_ix8ofv6 wrote

im so sorry that you had that experience, and for how heartless people in this thread are being. im glad you’re physically ok. thanks for sharing your experience and giving us perspective


ItsRookPlays t1_ixaailb wrote

I once tried to sign up there. While touring the facility, the trainers showing me around told me everything they didn’t like and gave numerous reasons why I should sign up else where. Example, I’m skinny but tone. They told me the gym attracts a lot of body builders that wouldn’t be friendly to someone that was n’tan ‘elite lifter’. They also said this isn’t an ‘instagram gym,’ whatever that means.


brownshoez t1_ix94yri wrote

My advice (since you asked for it): If you find someone at a business aggressive let their manager know and then maybe consider going somewhere else. Why do you assume the problem you had was due to racism?


aye_marshall27 t1_ix9pokp wrote

He assumes because the dude was looking at him like he had a problem before he stepped foot in the place. I can't say for sure it's racism but unless this dude has had a bad experience in the past with OP then it's kind of easy to call that dude didn't want him in there from the get go just by looking at the cover of his book.


howsguess t1_ix9lc13 wrote

Chalk it up as a misunderstanding then workout.Let it be your motivator if you have to.Don't let it linger in your mind.It will only drag you down.


Papirazo t1_ix9gpa7 wrote

I'm sorry that this happened to you. Your experience is 100% valid. I can assure you the majority of people being so unkind here are white or have deeply internalized racism.

There is plenty of research that shows the negative impact of these racial microagressions. Not only psychological but also for your overall health. Yes, your life could've been in danger. Several (unarmed, innocent) black and Latin people have been killed or assaulted by police while doing regular stuff (going to the store, driving, running, walking home) all because white fear (and no you don't have to be white to act on your white fear).

I'm sorry people are being insensitive and telling you it's insignificant and to get over it. If only they could take a minute to try to image what it would be like to go through life experiencing these type of interactions on a DAILY basis, even multiple times in a day. You can have the thickest skin and highest self esteem, it's still hard to go through life with the society around you making you feel like a second grade citizen.

As for advice: make a formal complaint about this employee. You're welcome to still sign up for Merritt. But my experience going there is that it's extremely white. They have black workers but mostly in cleaning positions while the white workers are in higher management and training positions. It sends a message to the people who workout there. It's expensive (I was paying $120/mo vs $50 at my gym now) so you might as well spend that money in smaller gyms, there are some black owned gyms.

Hang in there!


aye_marshall27 t1_ix9r4xs wrote

I am not a fan of Merritt all together. I bartend in fells and when they shut restaurants down to just togo my finances were pretty tight. I was bringing home about $60 a week. Just enough to have gas to get to and from work and food in the fridge. Luckily my living situation was pretty good so I was allowed to slide on bills until I got back on my feet. I called Merritt to see if I could freeze my membership because I'm not making enough to pay their ridiculous ass monthly price. They told me yeah... for about $60 a month. I explained my situation and the obvious covid spike that kept me out of the gym for a bit anyway but they were like naw. I mean in my case I can't really fight with protocol. The person I spoke to was just doing their job and I do my best to not be a dick to customer service.. but it was the second round of the apocalypse! So my problem isn't with any person in particular. More like the whole business. Then when I finally got back to work I paid up when I owed but did t go much. I could cancel in September so on the 1st I went in and told them I wanted to cancel. They said I had to pay September before I could do that. I argued that they charged me for my first and last month when I signed up but again I'm not going to be a dick and fight protocol. I just sent an email letting them know my situation and closed the account my membership was linked to. Haven't heard from them since. But yeah fuck Merritt


MyCatisaStripper t1_ixac3ow wrote

Used to work there, everything about your story is suspicious and apart from normal operations. Let it go and just work out there or stop.

1people don't sign onto multi year commitment contract ($1500/yr) with out a tour and engaging sales. No new member goes sight unseen to this gym, especially not at 9pm.

This is the prime time for gym theft season, which happens in Merritt (and all huge city gyms) every few years.

You signed up online, but don't know how to use the online system to get your qr code?

I haven't worked there since 2020, but the red flags set Mike off. That gym is hands down the most diverse in the city/county...leaning largely to people of color and lgbtq...its unlikely a bias thing.

Just keep monitoring the situation and keep an eye out for the survey they send customers everyone. They take that shit seriously as it goes to can ding them again if they are in the wrong.

But I ask you to consider what you could have done to avoid this. Like call ahead and say " new to your service, never been there, but I signed up, so what do I need to know? Do I need a tour?"

Knowledge is power. Get some.

And legit welcome to Baltimore, I hope you fall in love and help a Lot of people while you are here.


Cunninghams_right t1_ixaamfz wrote

very strange. likely some conscious or unconscious bias happening there. do you look very young? I used to go to that gym years ago and they had issues with some high school kids who were allowed to be there letting friends in the back door and the other kids would make up all kinds of excuses for why they just forgot their ID/barcode.

there is a Planet Fitness downtown