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Hansel4407 t1_ivjlf66 wrote

Are there additional emergency exits that were not being utilized during a regular exit? It's fairly common to not use all doors to manage control of people. 10+ minutes for people to file out of a large building is a more reasonable number than you would believe.

Comparing this to the Station Night Club Fire is not a great comparison, that situation is where the planned egress was blocked and doors did not open in the proper direction. That was also a significantly smaller building in height which caused many of the issues at hand.

Before going further down the path, recommend checking into a few areas:

  1. What building code was it designed to?
  2. What is the current city building code?
  3. What preventions are in place? Active and Passive
  4. Have performance design and exceptions been made for the building?

Just want to caution folks jumping to conclusions when there are skilled professionals and departments who manage this and just because a place doesn't have sprinklers doesn't mean it's a trap.