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Puzzleheaded-Ad-1877 t1_ivjzvc5 wrote

The campaign to limit people's ability to reelect the leaders of their choice has been entirely bankrolled by the head of the right wing propaganda network Sinclair Broadcasting


EfficiencySuch6361 t1_ivkiale wrote

I love the way that u put this. In my mind, term limits is a play to be able to have a “buyable” politician who isn’t working for the people in office as often as possible


sllewgh t1_ivl9ydg wrote

It's more than that. If this passes, most current elected positions will be up at the 8 year mark. They aren't just looking to buy politicians, they get a chance to buy a set of politicians.


Bravesfan043 t1_ivkm5oj wrote

Just voted against initiative K without knowing any of the background to who funded it. It was the only initiative I voted against. I’ve always felt like term limits are Trumpy, and by that I mean populist BS.


AdDue1062 t1_ivl8qym wrote

Maybe they care about their city and putting policies in place that will eventually lead to attracting businesses and taxpayers. Getting rid of the entirely corrupt leadership sounds like a great start.


sllewgh t1_ivla5dc wrote

Voting is the way to do that, not term limits. Few people vote in Baltimore, so it's easier than average to do.