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Lfc-96 t1_ivklzm7 wrote

K just plays on the idea that government employees are do nothings who just collect a paycheck and provide nothing of value. Imagine all of the institutional knowledge you lose by limiting all positions with term limits. It just creates an environment where businesses can take advantage of the knowledge drain.

There’s a reason why so many people new to politics/government have such a had time following governmental rules (e.g., obligations). Just look at the number of OIG findings from the Trump administration’s appointees and then scale that down to a local level. It would be pure chaos.


AdDue1062 t1_ivl98h2 wrote

Knowledge in government, good one. It will be such a dark day to lose all the wonderful knowledge around grifting taxpayers, redistributing wealth to criminals, making laws unenforceable, and ignoring infrastructure.


sllewgh t1_ivlasd3 wrote

Not sure if you're just being edgy and pessimistic or if you really don't understand the functioning of the government and the importance of experience.