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HowManyMeeses t1_ivkyhsn wrote

What point are you trying to make here?


The_Waxies_Dargle t1_ivl4guv wrote

Trying to counter the argument that every election cycle is an unbiased way to hold elected officials accountable. We have data that confirms the opposite.

Those who get elected one time hold an almost insurmountable advantage over any challenger. So simply saying we have elections isn't addressing the scope of the problem of incumbency advantage. Hell, it isn't even acknowledging a problem might exist.


HowManyMeeses t1_ivliia8 wrote

Nothing is unbiased. I'm saying there's already a tool in place to stop a politician from being in office.


The_Waxies_Dargle t1_ivlm5ap wrote

I agree. I'll even agree that term limits aren't the perfect tool. My feeling against them has nothing to do with signs about Fox news posted by the Democrat machine that controls Baltimore but for the underlying curb on free speech they include. That said, for me, the juice is worth the squeeze.

Again, the incumbent advantage is almost impossible for challengers to overcome. While we might lose an effective servant after close to a decade of service, we are also excluding a ton of younger, more dynamic, more representative officials and the new/fresh thinking that comes with them.


HowManyMeeses t1_ivlmuh0 wrote

>posted by the Democrat machine that controls Baltimore

LOL. I wonder why you might not mind that right-wing media is involved.

>but for the underlying curb on free speech they include

Do what now?


The_Waxies_Dargle t1_ivm3bep wrote

I have zero love (or hate) for Fox. I'm a proud Libertarian nutjob that despises the Trump/Fox metastasized iteration of the Republican party.

My personal problem with term limits is that they represent a curb on freedom of speech/expression. My ability to express my political thought by voting for whoever I want to. I do believe however they they will do more good than harm. But it's not an absolute by any stretch, even if I'm forced to argue it like it is.