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sllewgh t1_ivm4s3a wrote

Ok, but are you gonna make the argument that it's good policy?


Valstwo t1_ivqh25o wrote

I am. Baltimore has a long history of corrution, entitlement and one party politics. That is rarely a good combination. Career politicians often have the goal of assuring their power and influence. While there have certainly been good leaders in office for many years, having the same people on city council for decades is not productive, in my opinion.


sllewgh t1_ivqilez wrote

If this only removed the bad politicians, it would be great policy. Unfortunately it indiscriminately removes everyone after 8 years.


Valstwo t1_ivqj2nz wrote

There are a couple issues with that. First of all, different people's opinions vary on who is considered a good politician. Secondly, the bill allows for 8 years in city council, an additional 8 years as city council president and an additional 8 years as mayor. A truly good politician can stay in office for 24 years! They can also run again for whatever office they had after sitting out for 8 years.


sllewgh t1_ivqk2r9 wrote

>There are a couple issues with that. First of all, different people's opinions vary on who is considered a good politician.

That's not really relevant. Whoever you think the good ones are, they're gone. Doesn't matter if we agree on who.

> Secondly, the bill allows for 8 years in city council, an additional 8 years as city council president and an additional 8 years as mayor. A truly good politician can stay in office for 24 years! They can also run again for whatever office they had after sitting out for 8 years.

Not a consolation prize. I'd reelect my councilperson indefinitely, but they wouldn't make a good mayor or president. Now that choice has been taken away.


Valstwo t1_ivqku6n wrote

If Baltimore were doing well as a city with politicians who were directly dealing with the issues at hand, I would agree with you. I understand your logic and I respect your position but I just don't agree


sllewgh t1_ivqlqci wrote

This new policy will change nothing. If people weren't electing effective leaders before, there's no reason to expect they'll start now.