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notniceicehot t1_iy793ic wrote

right, the must-do Baltimore experience of getting plain paper shopping bags? am I missing something??


spitfire7rp t1_iy84xlt wrote

I thought it was referencing you can drink anywhere


wave-garden t1_iy8w3fw wrote

In the right (or wrong) parts of town I guess that’s true. 🤷‍♀️😅


gaytee t1_iy8x5vq wrote

Why would they use decorative retail bags tho? Everyone knows what the brown paper bag around the tall boy looks like and it surely isn’t the bag you’d expect your products from urban outfitters to come in.


spitfire7rp t1_iy8y0ll wrote

What is decorative about a plain brown bag...Ive bought weed and got those at pop ups


gaytee t1_iy8zij1 wrote

All I’m saying is the bag in the photo probably costa 3-4 bucks and looks like it’s from some artisanal coffee shop.

Nobody’s putting a tall boy or a 40 in that bag.


umbligado t1_iyahczv wrote

I mean obviously you don’t know about the famous Bagby Brown Bag Company in The Bagtown section of Baltimore! LEGENDARY. Known for being the PLAINEST brown paper bags in the business — no small feat!!

Named after Ogden Bagby, just in case there was any confusion (total coincidence he worked in the bag industry — came from a long line of astrolabe tuners).

It was so well known they almost renamed the city “Bagtimore”, with a city anthem “In the bag in Bagtimore!”.

Next you’ll be telling me you don’t know about Archibald Pescocero, the squid mayor (1887-1888; sadly assassinated, fried, and eaten) or the horrifying wiener schnitzel hurricane of aught six??!!

Kids these days, am I right??!! 🙄


PoopsExcellence t1_iyb8e9c wrote

I heard you could still see the weiner hurricane at the Hippo before it closed.


moderndukes t1_iy7a2vj wrote

It’s obviously representing shopping. The post seems to have a link to presumably a list of things to do.


DingleMcCringleTurd t1_iy847or wrote

Found the CEO


moderndukes t1_iy98sra wrote

No, it's pretty obvious that the thing is an Instagram Story with a link to a list of things to do and that those are shopping bags. The above commenter even edited their comment to say "shopping" when it originally only said "plain paper bags." If you think it takes the CEO who themselves definitely didn't make that social media post to figure that out, that's on you.