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kelzbeano t1_iw4tohw wrote

Baltimore snow rules say that if you shoveled it, its your space until the snow melts.


Psychological_Try559 t1_iw5ghi8 wrote

I'm not sure that Baltimore has any city ordinance on that, but FWIW Boston does (they're called "space savers" and technically only come into play after an emergency is declared--but norms and laws are definitely different things)

If there's an actual city ordinance for Baltimore, I'd be curious to know (there are definitely norms).


TheCaptainDamnIt t1_iw50l24 wrote

No it doesn't you don't just get to make up 'rules' because you feel special and entitled to public property.


No-Lunch4249 t1_iw533cq wrote

You must be my neighbor who gladly accepted my offer to help shovel him out and then he walked off when his car was done. Just in time for me to realize my car had 2x as much snow on it as anyone else, motherfucker had just dumped his snow on/around my car.

All this to say there’s “making up rules” and there’s basic goddamn civility


TheCaptainDamnIt t1_iw55t7v wrote

Basic civility would be understanding that you are not special and entitled to public spaces because of sme you think you did makes you special over. everyone else.

And I help my neighbors dig their cars out AND don't expect anything in return. But you seem to think everyone and society owes you something when it snows.


kelzbeano t1_iw57as0 wrote

Let’s be honest. There are not a plethora of parking spaces when it snows, so if someone shovels over a foot of snow from around there car, I don’t begrudge them wanting it when they return home.


TheCaptainDamnIt t1_iw5bnaz wrote

There's not enough sports even without snow. So I don't think the simple act of getting your car out a spot entitles you to it later no matter what the weather is.


Ok-Huckleberry3752 t1_iw6awaw wrote

You’re new here. Welcome to living in a city. You’re an asshole


TheCaptainDamnIt t1_iw6s7mx wrote

Lived in cites for 25 years, never ran into so many people who think public land belongs to them personally and screwing over their neighbors Is the right thing to do until I got in this sub.


danhalka t1_iw55518 wrote

Don't try to make sense of it. People want to believe that the effort they expend digging a car out so they can drive it somewhere means they now own that patch of road 'round the clock. "I did a hard thing for myself so now fuck any neighbor or visitor who isn't me!" as local custom.
