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motokrow t1_iybesh2 wrote

I used to be in the mortgage business for years, so I’m pretty hard to satisfy. All the brokers will have comparable rates, and there is 100% chance the loan will be sold to a large mortgage company, no matter which broker you go with. The most important qualities to look for are efficiency, thoroughness, and responsiveness. I know a broker who is by far the best I have ever worked with. If you’d like his contact info, let me know.


Sivla-Alegna OP t1_iybg2g2 wrote

All of that makes a lot of sense. I just want to be treated like a human. I'd love your recommendation. Thank you!


zeppelin5555 t1_iybi0zc wrote

Not 100% unless you go to a broker. The lender will be able to tell you if it is 100% which many companies it will be because they aren't approved to begin with.


RevRagnarok t1_iyemaro wrote

> there is 100% chance the loan will be sold

I disagree; this is if you go with a broker. My CU had on the paperwork the amount they sell (~2%) vs. keep.


motokrow t1_iyeyytd wrote

That’s why I said broker. All lenders reserve the right to sell the loan and/or the servicing. The vast majority are sold various ways in the secondary market.