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YesIDoBlowCops t1_iwpmzg0 wrote

Good for them. Starbucks is in the business of serving overpriced coffee flavored milkshakes to basic bitches. The fewer in operation, the better.


Rorshak16 t1_iwq1i90 wrote

.... You realize if these stores close... The employees get fired right?


YesIDoBlowCops t1_iwst480 wrote

They can find something productive to do with their time.


lexabear t1_iwq8n46 wrote

"I don't like what this store serves so therefore nobody else should either."

>basic bitches

BTW, the idea of the "basic bitch" is rooted in misogyny. It boils down to "if women like a thing, then it must be stupid."


YesIDoBlowCops t1_iwst31o wrote

It's more like a blow against sex stereotypes.


lexabear t1_iwujvbo wrote

How does calling anyone a "basic bitch" strike against sex stereotypes?


RL_Mutt t1_iwq35ju wrote

sips nitro cold brew

Don’t be salty.


wave-garden t1_iwqogw9 wrote

I don’t like their coffee generally and I’m too poor to buy it on the regular, but I’d still love to pay this place a visit anyway just to support the Union. Workers are people just like you and me.


The_Waxies_Dargle t1_iwqay4h wrote

Unless you're one of the people who are working there. Or you're one of the basic bitches.

But their livelihood is just collateral damage for cause, right comrade?