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brutereasons t1_iyddi0t wrote

Absurd that cars are allowed on Charles and St Paul at all through most of the city tbh, they should have just one lane for buses then wider sidewalks with space for restaurants and bars to expand into the street and bike lanes


ElectricStar87 t1_iyfcfhx wrote

Uhhhh….Cathedral/Maryland (right next to Charles) already has a two-lane separate bike lane at least all the way from Pratt to at least Homewood. Other bike lanes take it up from those termini.

And just to be clear, there’s already a lot of bars and restaurants that are empty on Charles Street. I don’t see a need for added restaurant/bar capacity anywhere on the Charles corridor.

I really don’t see the value add at all.


evev13 t1_iyegp4p wrote

What happens when a bus breaks down?


hoi4kaiserreichfanbo t1_iyers5k wrote

Yes because there is famously only a single bus in all of Baltimore City. A few years ago I was riding a bus and it broke down. We were sat for maybe 10 minutes and boom another bus came and we got on it.


evev13 t1_iyewx7o wrote

Except you were probably not on a one lane street when it happened


brutereasons t1_iyfefaq wrote

So? I've been on one-way streets with buses and cars breaking down before, you can just go to the next street over. In any case, there would be space for 2 bus lanes (one in each direction), wider sidewalks, and bike lanes, because there wouldn't be taxpayer-funded parking spaces everywhere