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completethesestreets t1_iwj8ecb wrote

This is amazing! I'm a huge Strong Towns fan. Signed up on for the email list.


bikesandbroccoli OP t1_iwj8pr6 wrote

Fantastic! Looking forward to having you on board.


completethesestreets t1_iwj8y30 wrote

Did you reach out to Ryan Dorsey? Or anyone at Bikemore? I feel like they would be interested in this.


bikesandbroccoli OP t1_iwjkcqu wrote

Yes, we have reached out to both Ryan Dorsey and Jed at Bikemore


bmore t1_iwla8q7 wrote

You should also reach out to Kelly Cross in Old Goucher. He has brought Chuck to talk in Old Goucher at least once, maybe twice before.


bikesandbroccoli OP t1_iwlawo9 wrote

I think we've reached out to the Old Goucher neighborhood association but have not heard back yet. If you have more direct contact info for this person, can you dm me if you're comfortable doing that? We'd definitely love to get them involved.