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addctd2badideas t1_iy6acpz wrote

So one must agree with every single thing a band says in their lyrics to be a fan? Are you for real?

I made the mistake once of reading Jack's blog and he basically said he doesn't vote. I find that to be an abhorrent view. It's anti-democratic. But he's an "anarchist" (whatever that means) so I decided to just simply find beauty in their music.One needs not be an ideologue to do so.


[deleted] t1_iy6c0yt wrote

His choice not to vote is anti democratic? But haven’t we democratically decided that voting isn’t mandatory?


addctd2badideas t1_iy6c8x5 wrote

To openly eschew voting in favor of some cockamamie ideology that is both impractical and contrary to human nature... yes, that's anti-democratic. To be pro-democracy is to encourage voting. I don't see what's hard about this.


[deleted] t1_iy6epcu wrote

No. Being anti democratic would be if he prevented you from voting. His refusal to vote is a first amendment right.

To be pro democracy is to encourage the right to vote. Not to force others to vote or judge them for not voting


addctd2badideas t1_iy6kic0 wrote

Who said anything about forcing. He made a choice. I'm criticizing the choice.

Are you really that dense?