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mindfulminx t1_iwc9mg9 wrote

One of my dreams for my hometown is to see it become safer and more accessible for cyclists and pedestrians. Since you bike around Baltimore City you have a unique perspective on the city. Maybe you could talk about your experiences from biking Baltimore? Maybe stop and interview people you see regularly who seem interesting? Maybe stop in the small stores you pass and interview the workers or the owner about what it is like to do business in Baltimore? I have found that most people have an interesting story to tell if you take the time to have a conversation with them. There are many people in Baltimore City who are good people and working to make it a better place. We need to hear those voices, if nothing else this creates better opportunities for collaboration. Also, I recommend interviewing your city representatives for your channel. Baltimore is known for its corrupt politics but I know for a fact that there are good people elected to office. We need to hear those voices, too. And thank you for your affection towards Baltimore-- it can be loveable.


perceptron-addict OP t1_iwckqqy wrote

>Improved public transportation infrastructure and improved public school performance would have immense effects for the city. Every young couple I've known that has moved out of the city wanted to stay for the lifestyle but felt they had to because of schools, and the larger an area people are able to travel in a given amount of time means a larger area people are able to look for jobs, and a better chance of increasing their income.

Wow thank you so much for the ideas! This is really great, I'm going to start trying to implement some of those types of videos.