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sllewgh t1_iyiua3e wrote

I agree with the sentiment, but WOW is that a shitty meme.


motvek t1_iyiwfl7 wrote

I shit you not, a Maryland draft kings ad was placed directly below this post 😂


Dr_Midnight OP t1_iyj17fq wrote

Fucking hell.


BlueFalconPunch t1_iyjierd wrote

Goddammit OP you summoned it! Someone get the holy old bay and start sprinkling it around...and by sprinkle I mean Maryland fashion. 2 cans per hand and just rip the tops off.


Matt3989 t1_iyjiyxy wrote

I don't understand how it's 2022 and some of you aren't running ad blockers?


neutronicus t1_iyjjy4g wrote

If you like sports podcasts these gambling ads are all over that shit, and not just interstitial ads, the content is shot through with it as well.

I would guess there's a decent number of people using mobile apps with ads as well.


Dr_Midnight OP t1_iyk186x wrote

> If you like sports podcasts these gambling ads are all over that shit, and not just interstitial ads, the content is shot through with it as well.

Oh man, it's everywhere. News broadcasts. Radio. Sports. Billboards. They're so pervasive.


neutronicus t1_iyk418i wrote

A couple years ago it was just my podcasts

Seeing it metastasize to Baltimore has been surreal, like, oh, now it’s above me when I’m running across the Maryland Ave bridge


Matt3989 t1_iyjmknc wrote

Do any of the mobile apps other than the official Reddit app show ads? Sync doesn't have them.


Dr_Midnight OP t1_iyjk3ns wrote

There is no such thing as ad blocking in the mobile app unless you have "Reddit Premium". To that point, the vast majority of reddit's users are using the official reddit app. For reference, here's a sample of the statistics for /r/baltimore.


Matt3989 t1_iyjm1ir wrote

Hmm, that's crazy to me, I don't know of anyone who uses the official Reddit app. It was an absolutely horrible experience up until like ~2016.

That doesn't specify they're using the 'Official' app.

No adds on Sync, and on desktop ublock origin takes care of them.


DirtyPolecat t1_iyk4ujn wrote

It's still a horrible, bloated mess even to this day. RIF on phone and "" on PC for me.


Matt3989 t1_iyk77qa wrote

Reddit enhancement suite + old reddit on PC. And uBlock origin or a pi-hole to block the ads.


Dr_Midnight OP t1_iylcqyk wrote

Same here - though, if you use RES (Reddit Enhancement Suite), you don't need to specify "", and you can just set your preference to use "Old Reddit".


Dr_Midnight OP t1_iyjn80e wrote

> That doesn't specify they're using the 'Official' app.

My understanding - though this may be incorrect - is that "Reddit Apps" is reflective of the official app across both iOS, iPadOS, and Android. Users who utilize other applications do so effectively via Reddit's API and are not reflected in these statistics.


umdtho t1_iyjr47m wrote

Yeah would be curious to know what Apollo’s share of those stats are. Seems like it has a pretty big user base (as I write from Apollo lol).


EthanSayfo t1_iyjr6ou wrote

AdBlock isn't stopping it for me. They are sponsored Reddit posts.


Matt3989 t1_iyjz575 wrote

Download the Ublock origin browser extension. Or add a pi-hole to your home network.


bob_smithey t1_iymhrlw wrote

I see/hear more about telling them to f off than the actual ad at this point.


kasubot t1_iyky07r wrote

I was in costco today and walked past a speaker they were selling that had a radio playing. Fucking draft kings was the first thing I hear when I pass.


tacitus23 t1_iyjbyqc wrote

Is there a reason these ads are everywhere? I moved here recently.


BlueFalconPunch t1_iyjj37y wrote

Just became legal because there wasn't enough people going downtown to bet in the horseshoe casino...been bleeding red


weahman t1_iymg2l6 wrote

Wait till they add online casino. It will be even more spam. Want to play black jack when shitting at home, boy do we have a new special for you!


yeaughourdt t1_iyk0xe8 wrote

I use an ad blocker, but they must know that because I got a piece of physical junk mail from them yesterday, wtf


gmp012 t1_iyl5zre wrote

"BuT ThE ProCedEs Go tO the sCHooLs"


weahman t1_iymg4v7 wrote

It went to the ghost kids at the one school. Not our fault they decided to go full ghost.


Obasan123 t1_iykjwtm wrote

Thank you, thank you.

To the person who asked, I do run an ad blocker. These get through it.


Duc_de_La_Derp t1_iymb49e wrote

From Maryland, haven’t lived there really since high-school, I still get these daily! Top 3 hated ads below James Allen (I proposed 2 years ago) and Supercuts (I’m black).


PVinesGIS t1_iykmbvt wrote

They can afford to pay out winners and pay for all this advertising.

I mean, everyone I know that gambles talks about how good they are at it and how much money they win, so where does this insane advertising budget come from?


weahman t1_iymgn1y wrote

For sports betting they are doing easy free bets where you can win money but most put it right back in instead of cashing out. Why cause it's free money you're playing with. Fan dual did 4 $50bets. One I won 275 on. Some cash out, some keep playing. I was looking up some stats on sports betting and majority of people are not in the positive. It's highly addictive and you can do it on the toilet or from anywhere. They have bets for damn near everything involved in the sport. They get a lot of money on the parlays because it seems easy to win and it's not. They have made millions already if not more. The number is going to be insane when they see how much in a year they made.


PVinesGIS t1_iymiudp wrote

The whole gambling machismo culture just makes me queasy. I remember relatives losing houses to gambling addictions when I was a kid.

Kinda like drugs, I don’t think making it illegal is the answer. But I definitely feel like there should be more public messaging on the risks and harms associated.

And the free starter money they’re offering is WAY too similar to the crack dealer pitch, “First one’s free, but the second one’s gonna cost you!”


kutuz_off t1_iyn42ik wrote

All while online poker is still illegal across most of the country.


Taxitaxitaxi33 t1_iyl4bj5 wrote

I like the draft kings ads in my mobile games you can close them quicker than the FarmVille games or the one where the king is constantly getting murdered.


Delicious_Chance9119 t1_iyjp3hw wrote

I love draft kings I want more of their commercials it’s funny to me how upset everyone here gets by them
