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needleinacamelseye t1_iymy5au wrote

I would imagine that for someone choosing between transit and driving, a mandatory transfer from subway to bus is going to push them towards driving instead of transit.

Given Harbor East's better location for car commuting at the end of the JFX, its (presumed - I don't actually know) better parking situation, and the fact that most commuters are no longer in the office five days a week, I would think that people that would have taken the subway when they were downtown five days a week will prefer to drive than subway + bus if they only have to be in Harbor East two days a week.

Fair point about more people living near Harbor East, though - why take the subway when you could walk? I'd love to see a more thorough analysis of where and how commuters move around the city.


peanutnozone t1_iyn3gu8 wrote

Prior to Covid I worked in Harbor East and I knew at least a few of my colleagues who took the subway and got off at shot tower… anecdotal I know but I think a lot of what we’re seeing is effects of the pandemic


bwoods43 t1_iyn4ims wrote

Not everyone has a car, so that option isn't available to everyone. I think what the above poster was saying is that for people who take Metro, it's pretty easy to get to Harbor East on foot. But also, perhaps there are fewer people taking any mass transit to Harbor East because they may now live in the area.