Submitted by Holiday-Corner4825 t3_zwt0do in baltimore

I was laid off from my job just before Christmas. I filed for unemployment but they are giving me the worst time. It’s mind baffling that nothing has changed with them and their issues and service.

I don’t want to go into detail but I’m struggling bad. I need help. Somebody please pm me.



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BmoreCityDOT t1_j1wqsm3 wrote

We’re sorry you’re having a rough time. In addition to the resources posted here, we’d also be interested in having you as a bus driver. We will train you too.


Holiday-Corner4825 OP t1_j1wziif wrote

I have real bad anxiety I don’t know how to drive anymore. It’s been years. Got into an accident years ago. My nerves are bad


planetarylaw t1_j1x61wc wrote

I had really bad anxiety about driving for about 5 years. I finally got it under control and started taking short drives then longer then longer until I got comfortable again. It's really really tough and I totally understand and empathize.

Do you ever use Nextdoor? There's posts on there with lots of people sharing current job opportunities. Someone recently said Chewy is hiring customer service reps who can work from home. There was also a construction company hiring for customer service. People sometimes also post on there that they are looking for work and can do various tasks (housecleaning, dog walking, etc) as a way to make money while they are in a rough patch and lots of people offer to hire them so you might try that too.

There's also frequent posts on Nextdoor about food pantries. One that is very active is Love Thy Neighbor which is privately run so doesn't have any requirements for getting food like some others do. I used to be a writing tutor with some experience helping with resumes so if you would like help with that, pm me any time whether it's today or next week or next month or next year. I mean for free, no charge.

Also the public libraries are a vast and free resource. Not just books! They have workshops to help you with job searches, legal advice, education, all kinds of stuff that you would never even think a library does. And the librarians are super amazing (I go to various locations regularly and love them all).

If you have kids and need help with kid stuff, I have a lot of tips for that as well, just let me know.


BmoreCityDOT t1_j1xhsjx wrote

This is excellent advice.


planetarylaw t1_j1xw86e wrote

Aww shucks. I'm a wee bit starstruck now. Y'all are always doing wonderful things around here. Cheers.


trashcadet t1_j1ye0u5 wrote

Come be a trashman. Hourly wages, competitive benefits package, and all you can eat it off the hopper. Seriously though it's a good job. I've been at it for 15 years.


SHChem t1_j1z5wjl wrote

Thanks for doing this challenging work. Our trashmen are so pleasant and helpful.


baltimorecalling t1_j1z81qb wrote

The sanitation folks are jolly, friendly blokes: courteous and easy going.


NikkiRocker t1_j1xga55 wrote

Contact your local councilman or state Senator. I got my unemployment settled in 24 hours after taking to Sen Sarbane’s office.


mockingjay137 t1_j1xpo4n wrote

Seconding this, my state representative helped push my case through with the DOL when I couldn't get ahold of them


The_Waxies_Dargle t1_j1yq7j0 wrote

And I'll encourage limited expectations. I had to reach out to my council person during the pandemic about unemployment. I called multiple times, and emailed. They got back to me around 3-4 months later asking if it was cleared up. It wasn't, I was just unable to move forward and was frustrated after spending hours on it.

Just don't want OP to place all his eggs in this basket, some of our council people District 7 can be downright irresponsive, incompetent or both.


Holiday-Corner4825 OP t1_j1yvl93 wrote

I’m in the same boat is this. While I appreciate the advice and support. I dealt with unemployment back when the lockdown occurred. I got next to no help by messaging councilman. That is why this whole thing is demoralizing.


SHChem t1_j1z5omu wrote

F the City Council, reach out to the state reps.

Also remember that they were super overwhelmed in early COVID.

Don't be demoralized into inaction. Email everyone in your district every single day until they help.


Holiday-Corner4825 OP t1_j1z6i10 wrote

Nothing has changed, that is why I’m demoralized. I know they were overwhelmed because of covid. I dealt with it back then.

The way things are now. It’s like nothing has changed. I can show you my emails. I have already contacted anybody and everybody and they just give me the run around and say they’ll look into it or they open up a claim or tell me I already have one open.

Nothing has changed. It’s ridiculous

I contact unemployment and get told the lines are busy after being on hold and automatically get hung up on

It’s depressing and demoralizing


kiwiyaa t1_j1yl88o wrote

Be very careful of scammers coming into your DMs after seeing this. They might try to send you money that shows up seemingly legitimately

in your bank account (a fake check), but then ask for some of it back, or ask you to send some to their landlord or something. The money they sent you is fake and will be taken out of your account after a few weeks, leaving you even worse off. Just please be careful, because these people notoriously prowl Reddit looking for those in need to prey on. Sorry you’re going through this, and especially during the holidays. 😔


Bleubear3 t1_j200bs7 wrote

Hey, I know that struggle as well. If you're open to it, I'm a manager at one of teams running the lifeline program that gives out free phone services along with a phone and tablet if they qualify (StandUp Wireless). Pay got increased last week as well, and the schedule is as flexible as necessary.

PM me if you're interested, we're always looking for more people! 👍


StrangeLoveBeats t1_j20yr3p wrote

Hi! Not sure what your background is in I work in recruiting and would be happy to help and/or get you pointed in the right direction


BaltimoreBadger23 t1_j1wmwpr wrote

The issues are continuing because we have a gubernatorial administration that doesn't want it to work well. That will change come mid January, but may take time to filter down.


Holiday-Corner4825 OP t1_j1wn93v wrote

I’m just super depressed. I never thought I would have to deal with this again. I thought things would be different compared to 2020 and 2021. It’s the same mess from back then.

I never could have predicted being laid off from work a few days before Christmas. It’s super depressing


BaltimoreBadger23 t1_j1wnoao wrote

It sucks big time. Sorry I don't have any specific advice, but it's fortunately a good time to get hired if you need something for the in-between.


Holiday-Corner4825 OP t1_j1x090w wrote

My situation here is I was temporary laid off at the hotel I work at. They laid us off 8 days before Christmas. They decided to not pay us severance. Told us just file for unemployment and everything would be cool. They said because we have a return to work date that we wouldn’t have to do a weekly job search. That’s what they said.

What I expected to be a smooth process has turned into a nightmare. It’s bad enough the job did what they did at the time they chose to do it, but unemployment is giving me hell as well. I cannot get in contact with anyone and when I do, they’re rude and don’t help at all. It’s discouraging

I was reluctant on getting another job because I didn’t want to jeopardize the unemployment but at this point I have no choice. I can’t go these few months with no income at all.


Aromatic-Fuel7825 t1_j1xa4nj wrote

I've been there, also right before Christmas. Unemployment is such a demoralizing awful mess of a system. It's not you, don't let them make you feel bad about yourself. The money was pretty terrible but it did get me through. I ended up taking a shitty job for two years and I'm working to get back where I was and sometimes I still get SO mad about it. But I believe it will work out for you too, all my best wishes to you.