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Significant_Jump_21 t1_j0juds3 wrote

It was criticism. Not personal. I didn't post a name or license plate or personal info. I posted these 2 people moved here in 20xx. They got cozy with the dude was councilman back then. AND cozy with xxxx truck companies. Then zoning changed so xxxx trucking companies could build in a residential area. AND I posted the link to the campaign reports in my second comment. 1/4 of fukking neighborhood moved out because they start sh!t with anyone who criticized them.

a few months back I posted the actual fines I get. OK. My bad. Remove that because it had her name as reporting me for "trash can lid being not completely closed". BUT my comment yesterday had 0 personal info. It was city zoning committee details. People could research if they wanted. If you run for office you open yourself up to that. Be transparent.

The other thing is mod maiios. When xxxx person or her alt or her supporters or her trolls or whoever they claim it was dogpiled people from xxxx neighborhood for criticizing her. AND for calling out blatant lies. Screenshots of maiios stanning for her were all over that group chat. It was beyond. I wish I hadn't deleted it. It was literally maiios telling xxxx or her alt how to get people banned from the sub. Then xxxx sending screen shots like "f off even the reddit mods love me".

exact same thing on the neighborhood nextdoor. She made herself and her alt admins. Banned anyone who criticized her. Claims everyone loves her because no one ever writes different. spoiler alert - we can't complain there. we're all banned. Meanwhile 4+ truck accidents every day because the damn roads aren't made for trucks.

it's your sub. You can read what I wrote. not personal info.