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umbligado t1_j1u4v3e wrote

Happened last night near the Roger’s Avenue station. News story here.


aleinstein t1_j1u5xph wrote

Is that the third rail in the front of the picture? Wow. Hopefully, it was de-energized before they departed the train.


MeanMrBiter t1_j1ub3ig wrote

Man I forget that Baltimore even has a subway. If you need to get from no where in the city to no where in the county in the skeezist way possible


carbon56f t1_j1ubwzt wrote

This probably is due to the bitter cold. That can wreak havoc with rail causing it it crack when the train comes over it.


afrikene t1_j1ueqkb wrote

damn so not only was someone shot and killed at the Mondawmin stop, but there was also a derailment?! the same night?


ltong1009 t1_j1umug2 wrote

It does go from Johns Hopkins Hospital to downtown. Ownings Mills is somewhat of a destination and starting point. The main problem with the Bmore subway is lack of scale and connectivity.


Ghant_ t1_j1umx9t wrote

Growing up in Westminster, the metro was the shit.
Drive 20mins out to the metro and take it down to the harbor for $3 not having to deal with parking/the drivers was great.


codyvir t1_j1uqsve wrote

Well, that's a thing... that was bound to happen sooner or later.


kpoparmy02 t1_j1uqwwh wrote

this is so scary and nerve racking, so glad everyone is okay

on a side note i’m nervous now because im supposed to take the train later today


carbon56f t1_j1v2kx9 wrote

not too familiar with the Baltimore system, but are they even able to do that? I thought it was more or less automated and out of the conductors control unless they put it in manual.


Thuglas82 t1_j1v3ybz wrote

I don't think anyone is saying legal action is unwarranted for those injured. However, looking at the video, this thing looks pretty darn minor. Advising everyone to automatically go on legal offense is irresponsible and just furthering our "sue happy" culture that typically benefits nobody meaningfully but lawyers.


kidkody123 t1_j1v4k1y wrote

So they are automatic but the still require push buttons to be activated as well as communication with MTA Central. Most train derailments are due to operator error.

Source- I work for MTA


tjd9109 t1_j1v5pgu wrote

Hogan actually has done quite a bit for public transport in the state. Much needed expansion of I-270 and I-495 (all areas currently serviced by DC metro) and further expansion of express I-95 lanes north into Harford County underway. Obviously MagLev from DC to Baltimore is far too expensive but the purple line is being built to connect areas of PG and Montgomery Co. Why does Baltimore need another useless public rail when the subway and light rail are in such a poor state of operation and Baltimore is a dying city


bmore t1_j1v5u53 wrote

It's not particularly skeezy. Mostly folks trying to get to work and home. See this video for example, where strangers band together to help each other exit the derailed car.


bmore t1_j1v644r wrote

Hogan oversees MDOT MTA, who run the metro system. He is responsible for cutting the budget, forcing deferred maintenance, as well as vetoing the legislature's attempts to fund deferred maintenance. So yes, he is directly responsible for conditions that lead to things like derailment.


XThunderknight t1_j1v7hk7 wrote

In this case, the facts are the train derailed. While they are numerous factors involved, retaining a lawyer can protect the individuals who were in this train accident, especially the ones that were identified injured. Some lawyers take no-bono. It really comes down to the individual, and how they want to process this incident (this is my opinion, on reddit nethertheless)

If I was on that train, I don't want this incident to happen again to anyone else, so I'll take all the necessary actions to prevent this.


Thuglas82 t1_j1v8lzv wrote

Sometimes accidents are just accidents, and no amount of litigation can stop them. Alternatively, there are so many variables that not all of them can be monitored constantly. In this case, we don't yet know the cause, but implying a lawsuit will fix whatever it is... Is quite premature.

But I certainly do hope the 5 injured individuals have all of their medical bills covered and any related costs associated with the accident. Everyone else? Be happy this was a minor accident.


jojammin t1_j1veddg wrote

You are literally too dumb to be on a jury. What do you think the purpose of the tort system is? It is to make the injured whole. If someone on the train was not injured, they have no damages, there is no case to bring. There is nothing to sue for. No lawyer would take that case. It would get dismissed if it's filing pro SE. The "frivolous law suit" is literally an invention by insurers to take advantage of dumb idiots like yourself to support tort reform to boost their profits. You are dumb. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


Thuglas82 t1_j1vfz75 wrote

Whew! I'm glad that frivolous lawsuits are not brought (and won or settled) on a regular basis. I'm definitely dumb for thinking that was a normal occurrence. I'm also dumb for believing there are hundreds of law firms that specialize solely on predatory lawsuits. Thanks for clearing all that up for me.

....Oh wait, there are entire websites setup to track this sort of thing easily accessible via Google? Oof. I don't know what to believe now. Factual information, or you.


jojammin t1_j1vioik wrote

Lmao god damn you are dumb. That is literally a propaganda website from right wing think-tanks/chamber of commerce types that lobby to make businesses not accountable for injuring and killing people. You have been taken advantage of my dumb friend


Thuglas82 t1_j1vjh32 wrote

It's fun to watch you lob insults while providing absolutely zero backing for anything you are saying. Meanwhile, if you didn't rely on me to spoon feed you, you would see many bipartisan bills in state legislatures, a GOP one in House, and so on simply to tactical the very thing you say doesn't exist and isn't a problem. Welcome to reply back if you can provide some sort of substance other than unsubstantiated claims and name calling.


jojammin t1_j1vl8es wrote

O my dumb dumb friend. How can I prove a negative, I'll try? Prior to tort reform sweeping the country, did insurers go out of business? No? Just because tort reform bills are bought and paid for by insurer lobbyists, doesn't mean they are addressing a problem. They just want to increase profits at the expense of injured individuals and children getting compensation for pain/suffering/medical treatment


Thuglas82 t1_j1vmcp6 wrote

Why can't you stay on topic? This isn't about insurers, or even tort reform. This is about frivolous lawsuits, which you claim do not exist. A person with no damages cannot file a lawsuit and win, you say. Yet it happens all the time. 50% of the lawyer commercials you see on TV are for "personal injury". The other 50% are class action. Both of which are generally predatory in nature, often push lawsuits that would not and should not exist but they make money regardless, and THAT is the whole point I have repeatedly made while you call me dumb and try to change the subject. You aren't terribly clever.


jojammin t1_j1vnddm wrote

PI lawyers take cases on contingency meaning they receive a % of the settlement given by an insurer or awarded by a jury.

If there are 0 damages (or even if there damages and liability is disputed), insurers don't pay settlements. Jury will not award money if there are no damages.

PI lawyers have no incentive to take the case. It doesn't get filed.


ThePoppaJ t1_j1vnx4w wrote

Why do you want to waste time on more highways? Look up induced demand. The wider the highways go, the more traffic jams you get, not less.

Trains & non-car prioritization throughout Baltimore (ie, bus only lights & lanes) plz & thank you.


Thuglas82 t1_j1vxo85 wrote

When a highly likely outcome is a settlement depending on the scenario, I tend to disagree. They don't have to win, and everyone still gets paid - all while the entity being sued doesn't have to deal with excessive legal and PR costs. Many, many lawsuits are filed in the country simply for the settlement - and that to me is frivolous in many cases.


jojammin t1_j1vzmue wrote

>They don't have to win, and everyone still gets paid - all while the entity being sued doesn't have to deal with excessive legal and PR costs

Insurance covers their legal defense costs. There is no PR for a car accident or a slip and fall.

I know you couldn't get into law school, but have you ever been a part of a lawsuit? A jury? Your lack of fundamental knowledge of how the world works is disturbing


ParoxysmAttack t1_j1w41r8 wrote

“Pov” is one of the worst trends in TikTok history


StuntFace t1_j1wa24p wrote

Okay, but is it on fire though?


tjd9109 t1_j1wc29h wrote

I live in Canton but commute daily to work in Silver Spring (~45mins each way). Commute used to be to Columbia which was 30mins so ideally would like to move to Riverside/Port Covington as it takes 15mins to get out of the neighborhood and thru the harbor tunnel. What would be even more ideal is for express toll lanes added on I-95 N/S between I-695 and rt 198/200 in Howard Co


Crazy_Fruit_Lady t1_j1wl183 wrote

“Stay classy, Baltimore” has been my favorite phrase for decades.


STrRedWolf t1_j1wmo3h wrote

This is what is going to happen:

  1. Lawyers will ask MTA for all footage of the derailment, and will also have the TikTok video.
  2. MTA provides the camera footage (inside and out). And yes, the cameras work, audio and video.
  3. Lawyers of people who weren't on the train in the first place are going to go to their clients and say "WTF?!? MTA knows you weren't there. We're going to lose big if we take this to trial." (Those too stupid and continue to trial get burned real bad here)
  4. Lawyers for the people on the train will quietly get a settlement from MTA of a few thousand dollars per person max.